
Book List

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  • The Book List is current as of March 2024.
100 Any-Size Star Blocks CDCausee, Linda20125111
100 Modern Quilt Blocks: Tula Pink's City SamplerPink, Tula20139131
100 Quick-to-Quilt Pot HoldersHouse of White Birches2004791
1000 Any-Size Quilt Blocks CDCausse, Linda & Weiss, Rita2012957
1000 Quilt Inspirations: Colorful and Creative Designs for Traditional, Modern and Art QuiltsSider, Sandra20158530
101 Fabulous Fat Quarter BagsHawley, M'Liss Rae2008658
101 Fabulous Rotary Cut QuiltsHopkins, Judy & Martin, Nancy J1998853
101 Full-Size Quilt Blocks and BordersBetter Homes and Gardens1998965
101 Log Cabin BlocksCausee, Linda19973410
101 Nine Patch QuiltsMichell, Marti20002687
10-20-30 Minutes to QuiltZieman, Nancy20008538
12 Days of ChristmasMumm, Debbie20001724
15 Minutes of Play: Improvisational QuiltsWolfe, Victoria Findlay20126340
150 Blocks for Baby QuiltsBriscoe, Susan2007633
1718 Coverlet: 69 Quilt Blocks from the Oldest Dated British Patchwork CoverletBriscoe, Susan20142927
21 Sensational Patchwork BagsBriscoe, Susan2010498
210 Traditional Quilt Blocks.TUVA Publishing20216391
24 Angel Quilt BlocksCausee, Linda20022738
24 Kids' Quilt BlocksKauffman, Connie2007632
24 Lovable Animal Quilt BlocksCausee, Linda2005613
24 Quilted GemsPerry, Gai2003916
24 Tropical Quilt BlocksCausee, Linda20042719
25 Days to Better Machine Quilting: Hands-On Learning to Improve Your SkillsKennedy, Lori20203579
25 Ways to Sew Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes & Charm PacksGreenberg, Brioni20136541
250 Continuous-Line Quilting DesignsFritz, Laura Lee2001354
3 Times the Charm Book TwoMe & My Sister Designs20136532
3 Times the Charm!Me & My Sister Designs20116531
300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks CDDoak, Carol20042715
365 Free Motion Quilting DesignsDay, Leah20123526
3D Folded BlocksBaron, Beesje & Vermeer, Esther2010611
3-Fabric QuiltsWiener, Leni Levenson20117821
50 Any-Size Travel Blocks CDWeiss, Rita & Causee, Linda20142733
50 Fabulous Paper Pieced Stars CDDoak, Carol20002743
50 Little GiftsWoods, Susanne20188064
50 Quilts from Quiltmaker: Favorite Blocks from the 100 Blocks SeriesQuiltmakers Magazine2014963
500 Art QuiltsHemachandra, Ray, Bresenhan, Karey20109253
501 Quilting MotifsQuiltmaker Magazine20114215
501 Rotary-Cut Quilt BlocksHopkins, Judy2008941
502 New Quilting Motifs: Designs for Hand or Machine QuiltingQuiltmaker Magazine4222
505 Quilt BlocksBH&G2003959
60 Machine Quilting PatternsHolly & Nickels3537
60 Pieced Quilt BordersLaquidara, Judy20121010
9-Patch PizzazzSisneros, Judy20066344
A Baltimore Album: 25 Appliqué PatternsRadtke, Marsha D.20093129
A Common ThreadMarston, Gwen20168544
A Field Guide: Making BagsBarrera, Jessica20234931
ABC 3-D: Tumbling Blocks...and More!Baker, Marci2010624
ABCs of Longarm QuiltingBarry, Patricia C.2007942
Accent on AnglesPurney-Mark, Susan20107819
Accidental LandscapesEckmeier, Karen20083315
Acorn Cottage: Quilts with Simple & Sophisticated StyleRiddle, Brenda20206386
Add-A-Line Extreme Quilting PatternsDonaldson, Janie2007428
Addicted to ScrapsHunter, Bonnie K.20164780
Adding Layers: Color, Design & ImaginationDoughty, Kathy20146330
Adorable Animal Quilting: 20 Charming Patterns for Paper-Pieced Dogs, Cats, Turtles, Monkeys and MoreAltender, Ingrid20206114
Adoration Quilts: Appliqué Nativity ProjectsBrown, Rachel W. N.20061742
Adventures in CirclesMcDonald, Leigh E.20082133
Adventures in DesignWolfrom, Joen20114216
Adventures in HexagonsBreclaw, Emily2017389
Adventures in Improv QuiltsGrisdela, Cindy20219180
Adventures in Paper Piecing and DesignSharp, Sarah E.20182758
Affairs of the HeartRossmann, Aie2004325
All About Machine ArtSew News Creative Machine Embroidery2004847
All in One Quilter's Reference ToolHargrave, Harriet and others201414
All Points Patchwork: English Paper Piecing Beyond the Hexagon for Quilts & Small ProjectsGilleland, Diane20156338
All Star QuiltsFrost, Helen & Young, Blanche20105113
Allie Aller's Crazy QuiltingAller, Allie2011207
All-Time Favorites: 14 Quilts From Blocks We LoveAlexander, Lissa2022972
Alphabet Garden - Art to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy2001872
Altered Photo Artistry (CD missing)Wheeler, Beth20074018
Amazing Nickel QuiltsSpeth, Pat20086568
Amazingly Simple Star QuiltsStauffer, Jeanne & Hatch, Sandra2006514
Amazingly Simple Triangle Stars: Deceptively Easy Quilts from One BlockCline, Barbara H.20155116
American Jane's Quilts for All SeasonsKlop, Sandy2008188
Amish Inspired Quilts for Today's HomeHentsch, Carl2016555
Amish Inspired Quilts PATTERNGoldsmith, Becky & Jenkins, Linda2006553
Amish QuiltsRodale Quilt Book1997552
Amish Wall Quilts: 15 Brilliant and Beautiful QuiltsPellman, Rachel Thomas2001554
Angle Play BlocksMiller, Margaret J.200526108
Angles with Ease: More Simple Solutions to Kaleidoscope Quilts, Featuring Multiple Size Options and Your Favorite PrecutsPeterson, Heather736
Animal AttractionMalone, Chris20188065
Animal Parade 2: Charming Appliqué Quilts for BabiesLeffler, Cheri2015660
Anna Maria's Bluepring QuiltingParry, Anna Maria20252253
Another Bite of SchnibblesNelson, Carrie20116530
Another Season of Beautiful BloomsPropst, Susan Taylor20105612
Antique to Heirloom Jelly Roll Quilts: 12 Modern Quilt Patterns From Vintage Patchwork Quilt DesignsLintott, Pam & Nicky6537
Any Body Can Learn to QuiltBrowning, Bonnie K.20018438
Appli-curves CDWaldschmidt, Elaine2008345
Appliqué 12 Borders & Medallions: Patterns from Easy to Heirloom PATTERNSienkiewicz, Elly1994317
Appliqué Book: Traditional Techniques, Modern StyleYork, Casey20163114
Appliqué for Modern BeginnersBirch, Eva; Gano, Nancy & Robinson, Jodi20163116
Appliqué in ReverseHenderson Tope, Teri2010372
Appliqué Outside the Lines PATTERNGoldsmith, Becky & Jenkins, Linda2009353
Appliqué Takes WingTownswick, Jane2005321
Appliqué The Basics and BeyondPittman, Janet2006333
Appliqué WorkshopAnderson, Laurel2010357
Appliqué: Techniques, Projects & Pure InspirationCross, Kate20163123
Appliqué: the Essential Guide to Modern AppliquéGlass, Alison20143108
Around the World Quilting DesignsMori, Joyce2005425
Art & Quilt: Designs and PrinciplesKinard, Lyric20099280
Art Cloth: A Guide to Surface Design for FabricDunnewold, Jane20101627
Art in Felt and StitchMackay, Moy2012125
Art of Fabric Collage (The)Eichorn, Rosemary20034918
Art of Landscape QuiltingZieman, Nancy and Sewell, Natalie20073328
Art of Landscaping (The)Zieman, Nancy and Sewell, Natalie20073314
Art of Mixing Textiles in QuiltsSchmitt, Lynn20182249
Art of Stitching on Metal (The)Parr, Ann20088511
Art of the Handmade QuiltDaniel, Nancy Brenan20088529
Art of Whimsical StitchingSharpe, Joanne20161624
Art Quilt CollageBoschert, Deborah20169298
Art Quilt CollectionSixth & Spring Books20109260
Art Quilt Maps: Capture a Sense of Place with Fiber CollageGoodwin, Valerie S.20139279
Art Quilt WorkbookDavila, Jane and Waterston, Elin20072218
Art Quilts Unfolding: 50 Years of InnovationSider, Sandra201892107
Artful Album Quilts: Appliqué Inspiration from Traditional BlocksTownswick, Jane20013102
Artful AppliquéTownswick, Jane2000380
Artful ImprovGrisdela, Cindy20169294
Artful Log Cabin QuiltsMasopust, Katie Pasquini20173419
Artistic Photo QuiltsZieberth, Charlotte20094013
Artistic Surface DesignHaynie, Laura20171631
Asian ElegancePippen and Pippen20033117
At Play in the Garden of StitchKovarik, Paula20213582
At Play With Appliqué PATTERNFranks, Dilys2006334
Baby & Kids QuiltsFons, Marianne & Porter, Liz2011645
Baby Quilts for BeginnersBurns, Karen M.2017657
Baby Wraps: Quick, Cuddly QuiltsAlexander, Karla2008653
Baby's First QuiltsMartin, Nancy J.2008644
Bag BoutiqueBarickman, Amy2005493
Bags for Everyday UseSaito, Yoko20144923
Bags with StyleKimura, Stephanie20044930
Baker's Dozen (The)That Patchwork Place20106514
Banquet of QuiltsPam Bono Designs Inc.20078014
Bargello - Quilts in MotionBerry, Ruth Ann2014710
Bargello QuiltingMitchell, Maxim2017714
Bargello Quilts With a TwistBall, Maggie200875
Basic Quiltmaking Techniques for Curved PiecingPeters, Paulette1999213
Baskets and Flowers: Rhapsody QuiltsTims, Ricky200892113
Batik BeautiesShifrin, Laurie J.2001681
Batik GemsShifrin, Laurie J.2008694
Batik QuiltsFons & Porter2013698
Batiks Inspired by BaliMcNeill, Suzanne2008696
Bead EmbroideryCampbell-Harding, Valerie20042437
Beaded Crazy QuiltingGorder, Cindy2005204
Beaded EmbellishmentsClarke and Atkins20022422
Beaded Embroidery StitchingBrown, Christen20192333
Beading Artistry for QuiltsAtkins, Thom20122471
Beading on FabricVan Horn, Larkin Jean20062435
Beautiful BargelloHouse of White Birches200976
Beautiful Big DogsAshton, Darcy2007616
Beautiful BloomsTaylor Propst, Susan2008340
Beautiful Botanicals PATTERNKemball, Deborah2011359
Beautiful QuiltagamiHiney, Mary Jo20083127
Beautifully Embellished LandscapesBecker, Joyce20063323
Beautifully QuiltedAnderson, Alex2003287
Becolourful Quilt Collectionde Jonge, Jacqueline2014758
Bed Runners Using Precut FabricsHouse of White Birches20108026
Beginner Friendly Quilts: Fresh Patchwork + Modern QuiltsFons, Mary, ed (Quilty)20146332
Beginner's Guide to Free-Motion QuiltingBonner, Natalia20123525
Beginner's Guide to Machine Embroidered FlowersHolt, Alison20062472
Beginner's Guide to Machine Embroidered LandscapesHolt, Alison20012473
Beginner's Guide to Machine EmbroideryWatts, Pam20032451
Beginner's Guide to Quilting: 16 Projects to Learn to QuiltBetts, Elizabeth20138437
Bella Bella Quilts: Designs from Italian MosaicsMcMeeking, Norah20052621
Best Baby Animal Quilts Ever, TheHouse of White Birches2004628
Best in Contemporary Quilts-Intnl. 99 (The)Lark Books /Dairybarn Cultural Center1999924
Best in Show (Dogs) PATTERNArmstrong, Carol2009618
Best of Baltimore Beauties Part II (The)Sienkiewicz, Elly2002377
Best of Jacobean AppliquéCampbell, Patricia & Ayars, Mimi2000376
Best of Moda Bake ShopCalle, Lisa H.20206564
Best of Pat Sloan Appliqué QuiltsSloan, Pat20043112
Best of Quilting Arts (The)Bolton, Pokey20129267
Best Wall Quilts-Easy Patterns for Year-Round DecoratingMcCall's Quilting20123019
Beyond Hawaiian FloralsMichell, Stacy/Hashimoto,Toshiki2007595
Beyond Neutral: Quilts Inspired by Nature's ElementsAdams, John Q.20148431
Beyond the BlockJohnson, Linda K. & Wells, Jane K.2008943
Beyond the BlockButler, Jodi20193421
Beyond the HorizonHearder, Valerie2010335
Beyond the Tee: Innovative T-Shirt QuiltsCannizzaro, Mary & Cannizzaro, Jen2020765
BH&G Complete Guide to QuiltingBetter Homes & Gardens20028425
BH&G Quilt Lovers' Favorites Vol 2 PATTERNBetter Homes and Gardens20026353
BH&Q Quilt Lovers' Favorites Vol 4 PATTERNBH&G20046355
Big Book of Lap QuiltsMartingale20196375
Big Book of Quick Rotary Cutter QuiltsPam Bono Designs Inc.2001447
Big Book of Quick-To-Finish Quilts (The)Martingale20214775
Big Book of Quilting Blocks (Thimbleberries)Jensen, Lynette2005932
Big Book of Realistic Drawing SecretsParks, Carrie S, & Parks, Rick2009828
Big Book of Strip Quilts20177836
Big Book of Table ToppersMartingale20178057
Big 'n Easy Supersized Quilts for Queen BedsHopkins, Judy20057829
Big One-Star Quilts by MagicJohnson-Srebo, Nancy2008516
Big, Bold & BeautifulJurd, Chris20224781
Big-Block Quilts by MagicJohnson-Srebo, Nancy2006962
Birds 'n' RosesDocherty, Margaret2006362
Black & White and Pieced All OverCross, Kay M. Capps20092750
Black & White Bright & Bold Kim Schaefer201326117
Black & White Quilts by DesignCross, Kay M. Capps20062714
Black & White, Bright & Bold: 24 Quilt Projects to Piece & AppliquéSchaefer, Kim20146333
Blackberg Edition: 11 Beloved Quilts that Stand the Test of TimeBlackberg, Cindy20216420
Blendable CurvesBarkle, Peggy J.20072114
Blended BordersMostek, Pamela2009108
Blending Photos with Fabric 2Kranz, Mary Ellen20084011
Block ExplosionCasciato, Cindy2004949
Blockbuster QuiltsMiller, Margaret J.19912252
Blocks to Diamonds PATTERNMalkowski,Cheryl2010735
Blooms and Blossoms: : Sweet Stitcheries Picked from NatureHawkey, Meg20202489
Blossoms in WinterMostek, Pamela20023100
Blue & White Quilts: 13 Remarkable Quilts with Timeless AppealMartingale20196383
Blue Ribbon QuiltsCausee, Linda & Weiss, Rita2008412
Bobbin Quiltin' & Fusin' FunScott, Michele20113542
BojagiCook, Sara201992120
Bojagi The Art of Korean TextilesLee, Youngmin20248545
Bold and BeautifulDains, Judi20099243
Bonding and BeyondBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn199992109
Borders, Bindings & EdgesCollins, Sally2004103
Braided Bargello QuiltsBerry, Ruth Ann2017711
Brandyberry Cottage PATTERNBrandywine Designs19993014
Brave New Quilts: 12 Projects Inspired by 20th Century Art from Art Nouveau to Punk & PopRicketson, Kathreen20139143
Bright & Beautiful Quilts PATTERNAustralian Patchwork & Quilting20006322
Bright and Bold Paper Pieced BlocksDoak, Carol20022713
Bright Quilts from Down UnderAustralian Patchwork & Quilting200354
Build-A-Barn: No Pattern ConstructionSexton, Julie20163334
Bullseye Quilts from Vintage to ModernGoldsmith, Becky20182759
Bundles of Fun-Quilts From Fat QuartersSnyder, Karen2006655
Butterflies & Blooms: Designs for Appliqué & QuiltingArmstrong, Carol2002382
Buttermilk Basin's Vintage Vibe: 25 Patterns with a Retro FeelWest, Stacy20203127
By the Block: 18 Surprisingly Simple Quilts PATTERNRogers, Siobhan20156336
Cabin Fever : 20 Modern Log Cabin QuiltsBonner, Natalia & Whiting, Kathleen20153420
Cakewalk - Moda All-Stars: A Carnival of Quilts That Begin with 10" Layer Cake SquaresLissa Alexander20206566
Calendar Kids Handprint Quilts through the YearLayton, Marcia L.2007630
Calendar QuiltsSchaefer, Kim20103018
Caliente QuiltsBianchi, Priscilla20072246
Canada's Forgotten Artifacts 1967 Centennial QuiltsLyons, Judy202448
Canadian Heritage QuiltingNeary, Karen & Shink, Diane200844
Candy Cane LaneBula, Melinda20091736
Caryl Bryer Fallert: a Spectrum of Quilts 1983-1995Fallert, Caryl Bryer19962238
Casting ShadowsWise, Colleen2005629
Catalogue Prestige 2015European Patchwork Meeting2015416
Cathedral Window QuiltsEdwards, Lynne2008142
Cats in QuiltsArmstrong, Carol2010601
Cat's Meow: Purr-fect Quilts for Cat LoversKime, Janet19946113
Celebrate Christmas: 22 Festive Projects to Quilt and SewThat Patchwork Place20141743
Celebrate the SeasonsSloan, Pat20191816
Celebrate the Tradition with C&T PublishingC & T Publishing2003951
Celebrating the Region: 50th Anniversary Quilt ProjectCapital Regional District201747
Celtic Pieced IllusionsCombs, Karen2006155
Celtic QuiltsWilliams, Beth Ann2000156
Celtic Reflections PATTERNMadden, Angela2002151
Certifiably Crazy PATTERNBuggy Barn20092751
Charmed, I'm SureChaisson, Lesley20096510
Charmed-A Fresh Twist on Charm QuiltsCrowell, Jodi2007727
Charming Baby QuiltsCorry, Melissa2020662
Charming Country Quilts: All New - 14 Inspiring Projects PATTERNCraftworld Books20016335
Checks Mix Quilts: Get the Gingham Look You Love with 8 Easy-To-Piece PatternYoder, Corey20206390
Child's Play QuiltsDay, Stacey2018658
Christmas DelightsHuff, Jaynette20031710
Christmas Quilts from HopscotchWilms, Heather & Wilms, Elissa20081727
Christmas Star in Stained Glass PATTERNHenning, Brenda2002503
Christmas with Jinny BeyerBeyer, Jinny1996174
Christmas With PossibilitiesMilligan, Lynda & Smith, Nancy20101734
Cider Mill Road - Art to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy20088024
Circle PizzazzSisneros, Judy20132132
Circle PlayPakucich, Reynola2004219
Circles & Rays CDHaddadin, Renae20102128
City BlocksRink, Nancy20129113
City QuiltsHouse, Cherri2010916
Classic Quilt Blocks, The Ultimate CollectionHouse of White Birches2002931
Classic Quilts Contemporary Style PATTERNWashizawa, Reiko2007915
Classic to Contemporary String QuiltsHogan, Mary M.20194766
Clever Quarters, TooDissmore, Susan T.20066515
Clever Quilts EncoreDissmore, Susan T.2003924
Cloth Paper Scissors Book (The)Delaney, Barbara20118513
Collaborative QuiltingMoran, Freddy2006483
Collage FusionCox, Alma de la Melena20099254
Collage Quilter Taylor, Emily20212252
Colonial Applique: Inspirations from Early AmericaWintle, Sheila2000311
Color & Composition for Creative QuiltersMasopust, Katie Pasquini & Barker, B20051910
Color Blend AppliquéTownswick, Jane2003388
Color by Design Paint and Print with DyeJohnston, Ann20012310
Color Confidence for QuiltersBeyer, Jinny19921916
Color Continuum: No. 1 MonochromaticCier, Emily20141929
Color Continuum: No. 2 PolychromaticCier, Emily20141930
Color Essentials: Crisp & Vibrant Quilts - 12 Modern Projects Featuring Precut SolidsMurphy, Amanda20131935
Color ExplorationsBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20051942
Color for the Terrified QuilterMcCauley, Ionne & Pederson, Sharon20071914
Color Harmony for QuiltsRingle & Kerr2002196
Color Improvisations 2:International Invitational of Contemporary QuiltsCrow, Nancy, Curator and Curtze-Schatton, Thomas, Catalogue2016417
Color Play 2nd ed.Wolfrom, Joen20141921
Color ShuffleAlexander, Karla20097412
Color Strata: Seam, Cut & SewAppell, Rob201526115
Color, Thread & Free Motion QuiltingLucas, Teri20203580
Color-Bright Quilts for KidsFons & Porter2002621
Colorful Batik Panel QuiltsVincentz Gula, Judith2019699
Colorful Quilts for Fabric LoversWalsh, Amy20119128
Colorific: Unlock the Secrets of Fabric Selection for Dynamic Quilts - 6 New Projects from Aardvark Quilts PATTERNDinndorf, Pam Goecke20131936
Coloring with ThreadFahl, Ann2005251
Colorwash Bargello QuiltsWilliams, Beth Ann200172
Colour In Art QuiltsTwinn, Janet20111918
Complete Book of Machine Quilting (The)Fanning, Robbie and Tony19943512
Complete Crazy Patchwork (The)Hulbert, Anne20022014
Complete Photo Guide to Art QuiltingStein, Susan20129270
Complete Photo Guide to Textile ArtStein Susan20101620
Complex ClothDunnewold, J.19962440
Confetti QuiltsMashuta, Mary20032212
Connecting Design to StitchMeech, Sandra20124220
Connecting Quilts, Art & TextilesLintault, M. Joan20079233
Connections: Links, Joins and NetworksBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn20048542
Constructions: Building & StructuresBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn200992112
Contemporary Curved QuiltsPedigo, Jenny and Robinson, Helen20142130
Contemporary Curved Quilts Pedigo, Jenny and Robinson, Helen20142130
Contemporary Hawaiian QuiltingArthur, Linda2003581
Contemporary Machine Embroidered Quilts CDRoche, Eileen20042464
Contemporary Paper-Pieced QuiltsJenkins, Jeannie20182760
Contemporary PatchworkKhounnoraj, Arounna20236399
Contemporary QuiltingWalter, Cindy & Graves, Stevii20059216
Contemporary Quilts: Design, Surface and StitchMeech, Sandra20031635
Convergence QuiltsTims, Ricky2003928
Conversations with Constance: A Celebration of the Life of Constance HowardBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn200092110
Country Comforts Quilts for Casual LivingWall, Cheryl2010649
Country Elegance: Cotton and Wool ProjectsBateman, Leonie and Bond-Abel, Deirdre20143106
Country Girl ModernKramer, Jo and Hancken, Kelli20149150
Courtship QuiltsSheppard, Janna L.2005583
Cozy Modern QuiltsSchaefer, Kim20099152
Cozy Quilted Christmas (A)Schaefer, Kim20071720
Crazy CurvesWilson, Elisa2003216
Crazy Curves ContinuedWilson, Elisa20092125
Crazy EightsSuit, Mary Sue2005512
Crazy Quilt Handbook RevisedMontano-Baker, Judith20142012
Crazy Quilt Handbook, The Revised Third EditionMontano-Baker, Judith20152019
Crazy Quilting - Heirloom Quilts, Traditional Motifs & StitchesDabbs, Christine & Houck, Carter(ed)1998201
Crazy Quilting Dazzling Diamonds: 27 Embroidered & Embellished Blocks, 56 Full-Size Seam DesignsShaw, Kathy Seaman20202018
Crazy Quilting with AttitudeRandle, Barbara2003202
Crazy-Quilted Memories: Beautiful Embroidery Brings Your Family Portraits to LifeHaggard, Brian20112011
Create Landscape Quilts: A Step by Step Guide to Dynamic People & PlacesVeri, Meri Henriques20213342
Create Your Own Free-Form QuiltsGillman, Rayna20114217
Create Your Own Hand-Printed ClothGillman, Rayna20082313
Create Your own Improv QuiltsGillman, Rayna20179162
Creating Art Quilts with Panels Hughes, Joyce201992106
Creating Quilts with Simple ShapesCastleberry, Ann & Hart, Nischele200126103
Creating SketchbooksGreenlees, Kay20059217
Creating Your Perfect Quilting SpaceHallock, L. Lois2005532
Creative ClassicsFritz, Laura Lee20083557
Creative Collage TechniquesLeland, Nita & Williams, Virginia Lee19948516
Creative Combinations PATTERNS & CDDoak, Carol20132726
Creative EmbellishmentsWilliamson, Darra Duffy (Editor)20012414
Creative Embellishments for Paper, Jewelry, Fabric and MoreKahn, Sherrill20072436
Creative FeltingHoughton, Lizzie2007123
Creative Machine Embroidery: A Practical SourcebookHarker, Gail20002478
Creative Machine StitchingNelson, Patricia20032416
Creative Mixed MediaKahn, Sherrill20102460
Creative Quilt ChallengesPease, Pat and Hill, Wendy20162239
Creative Quilt Collection Volume 1That Patchwork Place20066357
Creative Quilt Collection Volume 3That Patchwork Place20086358
Creative Quilting The Journal Quilt ProjectBresenhan, Karey Patterson2006725
Creative Quilting with BeadsVan Arsdale Schrader, Valerie20082448
Creative Quilts: Inspiration, Texture and StitchMeech, Sandra20061636
Creative Straight Line QuiltingBonner, Natalia20193572
Creative Strength Training: Prompts, Exercises and Personal Stories for Encouraging Artistic GeniusDunnewold, Jane20169292
Creative Surface DesignScrivano, Sandy20022420
Creative Texturing [wool appliqué]Spargo, Sue20123122
Creative Tucks and Textures for Quilts and EmbroideryRayment, Jennie2004626
Creative Uses for Decorative StitchesLinduska, Karen20128514
Creepy Crafty HalloweenAnderson, Dawn2000181
Critter Christmas (A)Brandywine Designs20091729
Critters Dancing In The Moonlight PATTERNBrandywine Designs2002622
Crumb Quilts - Scrap Quilting the Zero Waste WayBailey, Emily20214776
Cuddle Quilts for Little Girls and BoysMumm, Debbie2008649
Curves To QuiltLeisure Arts20122121
Custom Curves: Patterns for Borders, Blocks & Sashing Plus Curved Crosshatching DVDMcTavish, Karen20113549
Cut the Scraps!Ford, Joan20114727
Cute and Easy: Quilting and StitchingLidde, Charlotte20148041
Cute as a ButtonPike, Joni20048040
Cutting CornersHanson, J.2003445
Cutting Curves from Straight PiecesBowles, Debbie2001214
Cutting-Garden QuiltsBula, Melinda2007567
Dancing With ThreadFahl, Ann20102510
Dazzling Diamond Quilts: 10 Skill-Building Projects PATTERNVagts, Carolyn S., ed.20142698
Dazzling New York Beauty Sampler: Paper Piece a Show-Stopping QuiltWhite, Cindy20212771
Dazzling QuiltsMostek, Pamela20062434
Debbie Mumm's Cuddle QuiltsMumm, Debbie2008638
Deck The HallsTaylor, Cheryl Almgren20091731
Decorating with Quick & Easy Holiday QuiltsMumm, Debbie20041713
Decorations on FabricBrown, Pauline20011615
Desert to Sea: 10 Quilts from Australian DesignersDavidson, Jane, comp.201356
Design a Baltimore Album QuiltSienkiewicz, Elly1992386
Design Art Deco QuiltsLinn, Don2010917
Design Explorations for the Creative QuilterMasopust, Katie Pasquini20089239
Design InspirationsGunn, Margaret Solomon20172245
Design Make Quilt Modern: Taking a Quilt from Inspiration to RealityBlack, Heather20219179
Designer Bead EmbroideryKing, Kenneth20062432
Designing Patchwork on Your Computer CDPhillipson, Carol20072243
Designing Quilts is Easy!Kollinger, Wayne20102224
Diamond quiltsAnderson, Phyllis201226106
Diamond Quilts & BeyondKrentz, Jan200526114
Diamond Star QuiltsCline, Barbara H.20205119
Digital EssentialsHansen, Gloria20084012
Digital Fiber Art: Combine Photos and FabricRedmond, Wen201692100
Digital Quilting - From Camera to QuiltSmith, Lura Schwarz & Smith, Kerby C.20104017
DinosaursHartman, Elizabeth20204612
Distinctive DresdensMarek, Katja2017604
Divide and DesignCalle, Lisa H.20163568
Divided CirclesReis, Sherry1998603
Doll Quilts, Minis & More: Your Size & Your WayBehrend, Sally20133715
Doodle QuiltingMalkowski,Cheryl20123527
Double TakeWillms, Heather and Elissa20106394
Double Vision QuiltsSmith, Louisa L.20162131
Double Vision: Personal Approaches to WorkBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn20028541
Double Wedding Ring Quilts Coming Full CircleStein, Susan2001885
Double Wedding Ring Quilts: Tradition Made Modern PATTERNWolfe, Victoria Findlay2015886
Dozen Roses (A)Rounds, Jennifer & Comyns, Catherine2007564
Drafting for the Creative QuilterCollins, Sally20104212
Dream LandscapesHughes, Rose20083316
Dream Sewing SpacesBlack, Lynette Rayney1996521
Dresden Carnival: 16 Modern Quilt ProjectsGallian, M & Jones, Y.2016602
Dresden Flower GardenYoung and Bingham2003591
Dresden Quilt Blocks ReimaginedCopp Grisham, Candyce2019607
Dresden Quilt WorkshopMarth, Susan A.2017606
Dressed to Chill PATTERNKornfield, Jan20081721
Dyeing to ColourCurtis, Bailey20012325
Dyeing to QuiltMori, Joyce & Myerberg, Cynthia19972320
Dynamic Quilts With Easy CurvesAlexander, Karla20122122
East Meets West QuiltsBelyea, Patricia20173148
Easy Appliqué SamplersDietrich, Mimi2005326
Easy Chenille Appliqué PATTERNMalkowski,Cheryl2005651
Easy Does It for Friends - Art to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy2005805
Easy Does it For Winter - Art to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy2004183
Easy Grid QuiltsFisher, Karen G.20122675
Easy Hexagon DesignsWood, Kaye2014381
Easy Japanese Quilt StyleDavis, Julia & Muxworthy, Anne20093135
Easy Landscape QuiltsBrown, Patricia L.20113320
Easy Paper-Pieced Baby QuiltsDoak, Carol2001614
Easy Paper-Pieced MiniaturesDoak, Carol1998374
Easy Peasy 3-Yard QuiltsRobertson, Donna20176397
Easy Precision PiecingScott-Tobisch, Shelley201826113
Easy Quilts for Beginners and BeyondQuiltmaker Magazine20122685
Easy Quilts for Precut FabricsPfau, Sue20186549
Easy Reversible Vests Revised EditionDoak, Carol20084910
Easy Stack Quilts: Fast, Fun & Fabulous Kaleidoscope Quilts...Doyle, Paula2018739
Eco Colour: Botanical Dyes for Beautiful TextilesFlint, India20082327
Edges & Finishes in Machine EmbroideryCampbell-Harding, Valerie20041621
Embellish and EnrichBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20072488
Embellished Appliqué for Artful AccessoriesConverse, Patricia20074925
Embellished Mini-QuiltsFingal, Jamie20072480
Embellishing with AnythingLove, Gladys20102461
Embellishing with BeadsNehring, Nancy20032426
Embellishments, The Quilter's Directory ofHolman, Sally20062438
Embroidery from Sketch to StitchLangford, P.20002423
Enchanted Views PATTERNFronks, Dilys2002491
Encyclopedia of Machine Embroidery (The)Holmes, Val20032424
English Cottage QuiltsMostek, Pamela2004303
English Paper Pieced SamplerBeltman, Darlene & Justice, Teresa20162753
English Paper Piecing IIBellino, Vicki20142728
Essential Sampler Quilt Book (The)Edwards, Lynne2010466
Even More Quilts for BabyReikes, Ursula200065
Every Last Piece: 12 Beautiful Design Inspirations Using Scraps, Strings and AppliquéHarris, Lynn20154746
Everyday EmbellishmentsHawley, M'Liss Rae20032425
Everything Below All of the AboveSabiston, Carole9273
Explore Walking Foot QuiltingDay, Leah20173561
Exploring Dimension in Quilt ArtBarnes, C. June20126210
Exploring Embellishments: More Artful Quilts with Fast-Piece AppliquéHughes, Rose20109286
Exploring Your Artistic Voice in Contemporary Quilt ArtSider, Sandra202092121
Eye-Catching QuiltsQuiltmaker Magazine20126354
Fabric + Paint + Thread = FabulousDurbin, Pat20099251
Fabric Art WorkshopStein, Susan20079235
Fabric Embellishing The Basics & BeyondChandler/Kettle/Thomas/Vlek20092469
Fabric JourneyMcDowell, Ruth B.2005846
Fabric Landscape by Machine PATTERNCrone, Linda2000333
Fabric Painting - A Simple ApproachEckley, Ginny2000231
Fabric Painting for EmbroideryCampbell-Harding, Valerie2003238
Fabric Pictures: Creating a Textile Story - a Workshop with Janet BoltonBolton, Janet20159283
Fabric SilhouettesHandley, Louise2006825
Fabric Stamping HandbookLaury, Jean Ray20021637
Fabric Surface DesignRezendes, Cheryl20131622
Fabric to Dye ForAnderson, Frieda20102318
Fabricadabra: Simple Quilts, Complex FabricNaderlstern, Paula20169293
Fabulous Fabric Art with LutradurRiley, Lesley20098518
Fabulous FacadesLoughman, Gloria20173338
Fabulous FacadesLoughman, Gloria20173339
Fabulous FracturesEsslinger, Brenda20097822
Fabulously Fast QuiltsSmart, Amy20142691
Faces & Places: Images in Appliqué PATTERNAndersen, Charlotte Warr1995823
Facts & Fabrications the History of Quilts & SlaveryBrackman, Barbara20062923
FallFletcher, Lois Krushina20098023
Fanciful Stitches, Colorful QuiltsWasilowski, Laura2011397
Fantasies & FlowersSudo, Kumiko2000316
Fantasy FabricsMcCaffery, Bonnie Lyn19991618
Fantasy Floral QuiltsMcCaffery, Bonnie Lyn20012417
Farmer's Wife Pony Club Sampler Quilt (The)Hird, Laurie Aaron2011468
Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt (The)Hird, Laurie Aaron2009464
Fast & Fun Machine QuiltingRodale Press1997356
Fast Fabulous Quilt BindingsSandoz, Shirley20131011
Fast Fun & Easy Creative Fabric ClocksKoolish, Lynn20073010
Fast Fun & Easy Fabric DyeingKoolish, Lynn20082315
Fast, Fun & Easy Christmas DecorationsJohansen, Linda20061716
Fast, Fun & Easy Christmas StockingsTerry, Susan S.20051730
Fast, Fun & Easy Fabric Bowls: 5 Reversible Shapes to Use and DisplayJohansen, Linda20038059
Fast, Fun & Easy Fabric Boxes PATTERNJohansen, Linda20048044
Fast, Fun and Easy Fabric Vases Johansen, Linda20053023
Fast-Fold Hexie Quilting: A Quick & Easy Technique for HexagonHogan, Mary M.20203813
Fast-Piece Appliqué: Easy, Artful Quilts by MachineHughes, Rose2015393
Fat Quarter BabyFat Quarter Shop2022663
Fat Quarter FrenzyPurney-Mark, Susan/Greig, Daphne20056512
Fat Quarter Frenzy TwoPurney-Mark, Susan/Greig, Daphne2008656
Fat Quarter FriendlyFons & Porter2000641
Fat Quarter QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae19996535
Fat Quarter StyleFat Quarter Shop20146553
Fat-Quarter FavoritesBurns, Karen M.20186551
Favourite Techniques from the ExpertsTownswick, Jane2001856
Fearless Design for Every QuilterTorrence, Lorraine & Mills, Jean B.20092222
Fearless with Fabric Fresh Quilts from Traditional Blocks: An Inspiring Guide to Making 14 Quilt ProjectsMaxwell, Sarah J.20209173
Feathered FriendsNorregaard Nielsen, Jette2008617
Featherweight 221; The Perfect PortableJohnson-Srebro, Nancy200115
Fiber Artist's Guide to Color & DesignThomas, Heather20141920
Fiberarts Design Book 7Kieffer, Susan Mousery20042217
Fibreart MontageMontano, Judith Baker20092458
Fill'er Up Quilting DesignsHaddadin, Renae20133538
Finders Keepers QuiltsMcGinnis, Edie & Knapp, Susan20156415
Fine Hand Quilting 2nd Edition PATTERNWalter, Cindy & Leone, Diana2000284
Fine Line: Techniques and Inspirations for Creating the Quilting DesignCrust, Melody and Tewell, Heather Waldron20013547
Finish It with Alex AndersonAnderson, Alex20041017
First Steps to Free Motion QuiltingCameli, Christina20133581
First-Time Machine AppliquéPittman, Janet20133105
First-Time QuiltmakingLandauer Publishing20198443
Flip & Fuse Quilts: 12 Fun ProjectsHarmening, Marcia20153111
Flip Your Way to Fabulous QuiltsThomas, Donna Lynn20118433
FloorquiltsHighsmith Silver, Ellen2007808
Floral IllusionsCoombs, Karen20032740
Flossie Teacake's Guide to English Paper PiecingKnapp, Florence20182756
Flower FestivalSchaefer, Kim20095628
Flower Power PatchworkRasmussen, Anne-Pia Godske20108054
Flower Show QuiltsMajidimehr, Lynn Ann20105615
Flowers All AroundLammon, Cindy20105618
Flying ColorsGarber, Gail2010943
Flying Geese: New Quilts from an Old FavoriteLasco, Linda Baxter, ed.2017984
Focus on BatiksSmiley, J.B.2004692
Focus on FloralsMartin, Terry20052611
Folk Art FriendMinick and Simpson20036351
Follow the Dots to Dazzling QuiltsSegna, Joan & Crow, Jayme20056348
Follow Your HeartAtkinson, Terry20196379
Foolproof Crazy QuiltingClouston, Jennifer20132010
Foolproof CurvesBarber, B.2004217
Foolproof Machine QuiltingMashuta, Mary20083515
Foolproof Walking-Foot Quilting DesignsMashuta, Mary20153544
Forest of Quilts (A)Kralik, Terrie20035611
Foundation Pieced Nature QuiltsSchwartz, Liz & Seifert, Stephen2002278
Four Centuries of Quilts: the Colonial Williamsburg CollectionBaumgarten, Linda & Ivey, Kimberley Smith20142928
Four Seasons of QuiltsDerksen, C. and Harder, M.20033024
Fractured Landscape QuiltsMasopust, Katie Pasquini1996336
Fragile FabricsBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn200992111
Free & Easy CirclesMullen, Jan20062134
Free Expression including CDEklow, Robbi Joy20059223
Free Range Triangle QuiltsMarston, Gwen and Jones, Cathy2015799
Freemotion QuiltingWoodworth, Judy20103524
Free-Motion QuiltingLinn, Don20113523
Free-Motion Quilting Idea Book: 155 Mix & Match DesignsMurphy, Amanda20153545
Free-Motion Quilting Made EasyLarkin, Eva A.20093520
Freestyle Machine EmbroideryShinn, Carol20092454
Free-Style QuiltsCarlson, Susan20009272
French Braid ObsessionMiller, Jane Hardy20097812
French Braid QuiltsMiller, Jane Hardy & Mettew, Arlene20067835
French Braid Quilts with a TwistMiller, Jane Hardy20147825
French Braid TransformationMiller, Jane20117830
French FarmhousesPicon, Marie-Claude20186372
Fresh Fat-Quarter QuiltsKnowlton, Andy20196557
Fresh From the ClotheslineZimmerman, Darlene20116359
Fresh Twist on Folded Fabric (A)Wat, Rebecca2006625
Fresh Vintage SewingFigueroa, Joanna20098046
Friendship Strips & ScrapsSitar, Edyta20102660
Friendship TrianglesSitar, Edyta2009795
From Across the NationQuilts of Valour Canada2019972
Fun and Easy Scrap QuiltingSwasey, Ruth M.20184762
Fun Foundation Pieced BlocksWick, Nancy20162745
Fun Quilts for Kids - Best of Fons & PorterFons, Marianne & Porter, Liz2012659
Fun with Fat QuartersMartin, Nancy J19946547
Fun with PanelsMcChesney, Cyndi20226396
Fuse-and-Tell Journal QuiltsWasilowski, Laura20087210
Fusing FabricDeal, Margaret2007162
Fusing Fun! Fast Fearless Art QuiltsWasilowski, Laura20059276
Fussy Cut SamplerRamirez, N. & Woo, E.20172244
Fussy Cutters Club: Boot Camp for Mastering Fabric PlayWilson, Angie20172248
Gallery of Amish Quilts (A)Bishop and Safanda1976541
Garden PartyTomaszewski, C.2003390
Garden Party of QuiltsWolfram, Joen20055622
Gardens and MoreBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20003027
Gee's Bend: The Architecture of the QuiltArnett, Paul2006295
Gemstone Quilts: Creating Fire & Brilliance in Fabric, Step by StepKinman, Martha Jane20202768
Get Creative with M'Liss Rae HawleyHawley, M'Liss Rae20051915
Ghost Layers & Color WashesMasopust, Katie Pasquini2000191
Give & Take Fabric AppliquéGreig, Daphne & Purney Mark, Susan2011363
Giving PleasureBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn20018070
Glorious PatchworkFassett, Kaffe1997921
Go Big, Go Bold: Large Scale Modern QuiltsCain, Barbara20159155
Grafitti Quilting: Volume 2Porter, Karlee20173567
Grandma's Best Full-Size Quilt BlocksBetter Homes and Gardens20026350
Granny Quilt Decor: Vintage Quilts of the 30's Inspire Projects for Today's HomeZimmerman, Darlene20042933
Graphic MixxAtkinson, Terry20129114
Graphic Quilts from Everyday Images: 15 Patterns Inspired by Urban Life, Architecture and BeyondScrimsher, Heather20148533
Gravity: A Block of the Month QuiltHerman, Julie20152696
Great American Quilts 2002Oxmoor House20012911
Green Guide for Artists: Nontoxic Recipes, Green Art Ideas & ResourcesMichel, Karen20092323
Guide to GridsPerks, Gina20163556
Hand Sewing: A Journey to Unplug, Slow Down & Learn Something Old Goldsmith, Becky20212812
Handbook of Quilting (The)Milner Craft Series20018417
Hand-Dyed QuiltsBell-Johnson, Marquetta20082314
Handmade Christmas Cheer: Festive Holiday Projects to Embroider, Appliqué and Quilt PATTERNWys, Pat20151746
Handmade Christmas Cheer: Festive Holiday Projects to Embroider, Appliqué and Quilt PATTERNWys, Pat20151748
Handmade Quilt: a Complete Skill-building SamplerForster, Carolyn20182810
Handpainting FabricNewman and Allyson2003233
Hand-stitched surfaceKrawczyk, Lynn20171630
Happy Endings - Revised EditionDietrich, Mimi20038419
Happy HourAtkinson Designs20076533
Happy VillagesEckmeier, Karen20073012
Harmonies and Hurricanes: Color and Line in Japanese QuiltsSudo, Kumiko19983149
Having a Meltdown: Ice Dying Artisan Fabrics for QuiltingMillard, Sondra20162331
Hawaiian Quilt (The) A Unique American Art FormBoynton Arthur, Linda2010596
Heirloom Machine Quilting 4th EditionHargrave, Harriet20043513
Heirloom Quilt (The) PATTERNFilson, Yolande & Przybylski, Roberta19943514
Heirloom Quilts from Old Tops: 15 Contemporary Projects for Creating Quilts from Old TopsMorris, Patricia J. & Muir, Jeannette T.20013543
Hexagon HappeningsForster, Carolyn2014386
Hexagon Magic: Using the Versatile Six-Sided Shape to Create New Patchwork SensationsElwin, Janet B.1986382
Hexagon Star Quilts: 113 English Paper-Pieced Star Patterns to Piece and AppliquePerlmutter, Cthy20203812
Hexagons, Diamonds, Triangles, and MoreAshton, Kelly2014384
Hip HandbagsShrader, Valerie Van Arsdale20054922
Holiday WrappingsManwaring, Loraine & Nelsen, Susan20081725
Holidays At HomeMumm, Debbie20021728
Home BoundSelck, Janet2004572
Hooked on FeathersTerry, Sally20083516
Hooked on TrianglesJohannessen, K.B./Uren, T.M.2004793
Hop To It! Appliquéd Blocks & ProjectsSitar, Edyta2009350
Hot TextilesThittichai, Kim20081614
How to Create an Heirloom QuiltIneson, Pauline20103529
How We FeltHuber Cypher, Carol2007122
Hunter Star QuiltsKrentz, Jan2003501
I Love House BlocksBurns, Karen M.20176371
I Remember Mama: A Book of Love About Mothers, Daughters and QuiltsBresenhan, Karey Patterson20052934
Imagery on Fabric- a complete surface design handbookLaury, Jean Ray1997165
Impatient Embroiderer (The)Emerson, Jayne20062443
Impressionist Appliqué: Exploring Value & Design to Create Artistic Quilts PATTERNErrea, Grace and Osterfeld, Meridith20129288
Impressionist QuiltsPerry, Gai1995578
Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters: A Guide to Creating, Quilting & Living CourageouslyWood, Sherri Lynn20159141
Improv Paper Piecing: A Modern Approach to Quilt DesignFriend, Amy20172747
Improv PatchworkShell, Maria20176363
Improv QuiltingRoderick, Irene202292125
Improvising Tradition: 18 Quilted Projects Using Strips, Slices and StrataLedgerwood, Alexandra20147826
In Love with Squares and RectanglesWalsh, Amy & Burke, Janine201326110
In the Studio with Angela WaltersWalters, Angela20123554
In the Studio with Judy MurrahMurrah, Judy20016352
Inchie QuiltsRuggles, Nadine2009726
Innovation PiecingDunn, Sarah Sacks (Editor)2000266
Innovative Fabric Imagery for QuiltsRymer, Cyndy Lyle2007408
Inspirational Silk Painting from NatureHenge, Renate19902319
Inspirations in Design for the Creative QuilterMasopust, Katie Pasquini20118535
Inspired by ElvisDesoto, Donna Marcinkowski201892102
Inspired Free-Motion QuiltingVolckening, Bill and Leins, Amanda20183566
Inspired to DesignBarton, Elizabeth20132228
Inspired to QuiltTesta, Melanie20099244
Inspiring ImprovBall, Nicholas201992115
Instant BargelloKisro, Susan200874
Instinctive Quilt Art: Using Improvisational Techniques to Create Vibrant Art QuiltsAsh, Bethan201192114
Intentional PiecingFriend, Amy201626107
Intentional Printing: Simple Techniques for Inspired Fabric ArtKrawczyk, Lynn20142326
International Sunbonnet SueKimball, Debra2011365
Intuitive Color & DesignWells, Jean20092241
Intuitive Color & Design 2nd EditionWells, Jean20172247
Irish Chain Quilts: Contemporary Twists on a Classic DesignCorry, Melissa20152697
It Takes Two! Quick and Easy Patterns for 2 FQsGroves, Barbara and Jacobson, Mary20216567
It's A Wrap (Fabric Purses, Baskets and Bowls)Breier, Susan20068058
It's Quilting Cats & DogsAnderson, Lynette20106110
Jack & Jill QuiltsWarehime, Retta2006624
Jacket Jazz Encore PATTERNMurrah, Judy1994494
Jacobean Appliqué Book 2 - RomanticaCampbell, P. & Ayars, Mimi1995310
Japanese Flowers in AppliquéCampbell, Eileen20103147
Japanese Folded Patchwork- tech., projects & designsClark, Mary Clare1997314
Japanese InspirationsHaigh, Janet20003116
Japanese KimekomiSuess, Barbara & Hewitt, Kathleen20083134
Japanese Quilt ArtSegawa, Setsuko1985319
Japanese Quilt Blocks to Mix and MatchBriscoe, Susan20073129
Japanese Quilting Piece by PieceSaito, Yoko20123142
Japanese Quilting SashikoTakano, Hiromitsu19933150
Japanese Sashiko InspirationsBriscoe, Susan20083133
Japanese Taupe QuiltsBriscoe, Susan20103138
Jelly BabiesThat Patchwork Place2011647
Jelly FilledGoertzen, Vanessa20196555
Jelly Roll Bargello QuiltsHellaby, Karin2018712
Jelly Roll Quilt MagicEinmo, Kimberly20116520
Jelly Roll QuiltsLintott, Pam & Nicky2008657
Jelly Roll Quilts & MoreEinmo, Kimberly20106513
Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection: Create classic quilts fast with 12 jelly roll quilt patternsLintott, Pam and Lintott, Nickie20206561
Jingle Quilt: Piece & AppliquéRussek, Erin20211755
Journey to Inspired Art QuiltingWells, Jean20129269
Joyful StitchingWasilowski, Laura20182485
Just Can't Cut It!Mostek, Pamela20032610
Kaffe Fassett's Country Garden QuiltsFassett, Kaffe2008932
Kaffe Fassett's Heritage Quilts: 20 Designs from Rowan for Patchwork and QuiltingFassett, Kaffe20159317
Kaffe Fassett's Kaleidoscope of QuiltsFassett, Kaffe2006933
Kaffe Fassett's Quilt GrandeurFassett, Kaffe20139310
Kaffe Fassett's Quilt RomanceFassett, Kaffe2009934
Kaffe Fassett's Quilts in Burano: Designs Inspired by a Venetian IslandFassett, Kaffe20209319
Kaffe Fassett's Quilts In The SunFassett, Kaffe2007935
Kaffe Fassett's Simple Shapes Spectacular QuiltsFassett, Kaffe2010936
Kake-JikuSudo, Kumiko20063128
Kaleidoscope Paper PiecingMahoney, Nancy20122725
Kaleidoscope QuiltBurns, Eleanor1996733
Kaleidoscope QuiltsNadelstern, Paula2008721
Karen K. Stone QuiltsStone, Karen K.20042710
Kate Fassett's Quilts on an English FarmFassett, Kaffe20249321
Keepsake Baby Quilts From ScrapsHouse of White Birches2010642
Kindred Creatures PATTERNBurch, Laurel2001912
Kitty Capers: 15 Projects with Purrsonality PATTERNArmstrong, Carol2006614
Knockout Blocks and Sampler QuiltsMartin, Judy2004964
Know Your Battings: Carry-along Reference GuideMoser, Krista202017
Kokoro NoteSudo, Kumiko20053122
Kool Kaleidoscope QuiltsTims, Ricky2010734
Korean Patchwork Quilting: 37 Modern Bojagi Style ProjectsYangsook, Choi2020324
Labor of Love - Scrappy Quilts at the Heart of HomeMcConnell, Sherri L.20204771
Landscape in Contemporary QuiltsBerlyn, Ineke20069117
Landscape QuiltsZieman, Nancy and Sewell, Natalie20013321
Landscape Quilts CD-ROMMcNeil, Kathy20153330
Landscapes & IllusionsWolfrom, Joen20103325
Laurel Burch Christmas (A)Burch, Laurel20041712
Laurel Burch Legends PATTERNBurch, Laurel2007563
Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm QuiltsLintott, Pam & Nicky2009659
Layer 'Em UpCraig, Sharyn20097413
Layer, Paint and StitchDolan, Wendy20152483
Layered Cloth: The Art of Fabric ManipulationSmall, Ann20171634
Layered WavesEckmeier, Karen20095610
Layers of StitchCampbell-Harding, Valerie & Grey, M2000163
Learn to Make A Foundation Pieced QuiltAnnie's Quilting20182757
Learn to Paper PieceMahoney, Nancy20162744
Learn to Quilt with PanelsVagts, Carolyn S.20148441
Learn to Quilt-As-You-Go: 14 Projects You Can Finish FastErla, Gudrun2015682
Learn to Sew Easy CurvesEskridge, Jen20132127
Legends & Legacies: 13 Quilts for Reproduction PrintsHopkins, Carol20206419
Let's PretendTomaszewski, Cynthia2008637
Liberated Medallion QuiltsMarston, Gwen2012361
Liberated Quiltmaking TwoMarston, Gwen19964758
Liberated String QuiltsMarston, Gwen20034714
Lighthouses of New EnglandRand, Connie20063333
Lines by DesignGrifka, Debbie20169151
Little Bit Crazy (A) PATTERNNesbitt, Janet R.20032017
Little Book of Little QuiltsGuerrier, Katherine1998375
Little Gems: 15 Paper-pieced Miniature QuiltsKauffman, Connie20153716
Little Lone Star QuiltsOlsen, Lorraine2009518
Little Quilts All Through the HouseBerg, Von Holt, Johnson1993373
Little Spark: 30 Ways to Ignite Your CreativityBloomston, Carrie2014842
Log Cabin Quilt BookMartin, Judy2007349
Log Cabin QuiltsWeiss, Rita & Causee, Linda2006347
Log Cabin Quilts with AttitudeRotz, Sharon V.2006348
Lone Star Quilt: Strip & Paper-Pieced Medallion QuiltKrentz, Jan P.20215121
Lone Star Quilts and BeyondKrentz, Jan20015123
Look What I See ( I Spy)Yamin, Pat2001636
Loose ChangePlett, Claudia & Weaver, LeAnn2008944
Lots of Scraps It's Time to QuiltStauffer, Jeanne20084726
Love Flying GeeseLove Patchwork and Quilting2019985
Love Jelly Roll Quilts: A Baker's Dozen of Tasty Projects for All Skill LevelsLove Patchwork & Quilting20206558
Love to Machine AppliquéPrice, Caroline2008344
Lovely Landscape Quilts: Using Strings & Scraps to Piece and Appliqué Scenic QuiltsGeier, Cathy20143327
Loving Stitches: A Guide to Fine Hand QuiltingKimball, Jeana2003289
Loyal Union Sampler (The) from Elm Creek QuiltsChiaverini, Jennifer20134610
Luminous Landscapes PATTERNLoughman, Gloria20073329
Lunch BagsStash Books20108027
Lunch-Hour Patchwork: 15 Easy to Start and finish ProjectsMartingale20186366
Luscious LandscapesBecker, Joyce2003339
Machine Appliqué for the Terrified QuilterPederson, Sharon2008347
Machine Appliqué Made EasyWells, Jean20053119
Machine Appliqué: A Sampler of TechniquesNickles, Sue2001329
Machine Embroidered Flowers, Woodlands and LandscapesHolt, Alison20112475
Machine Embroidered LandscapesHolt, Alison19903318
Machine Embroidered SeascapesHolt, Alison20123343
Machine Embroidered WoodlandsHolt, Alison20092453
Machine Embroidery & MoreDibbs, Kristen2001241
Machine Embroidery HandbookBennett, D.F.20012476
Machine Freehand PatternsMoore, Nan20093521
Machine Quilting Design Builder CDAllen, Renae20094210
Machine Quilting for BeginnersVagts, Carolyn20173560
Machine Quilting with Decorative ThreadsNoble, M & Hendricks, E19981629
Machine Quilting with Style: From Walking-Foot Wonders to Free-Motion FavoritesWatson, Christa20153546
Machine Quilting: A Primer of TechniquesNickels, Sue20033530
Machine-Quilting Idea Book: 61 Designs to Finish Classic PatchworkRuebel, Vicki20193574
Magic of Crazy Quilting: A Complete Resource for Embellished Quilting 2nd. ed.Michler, J. Marsha2003209
Magic Quilts By the SliceReynolds, Bethany S.2003743
Magic Stack-n-Whack QuiltsReynolds, Bethany S.1998748
Magical Four-Patch and Nine-Patch QuiltsPorcella, Yvonne20012664
Magical HexagonsThompson, Martha2002383
Magical Machine Quilting & Embellishment IIStangness, Lorraine20073553
Magnificent Spiral Mandala Quilts CDMerrill, RaNae2010738
Make It Simpler Paper PiecingSolomon, Anita Grossman20032731
Make It, Take It: 16 Cute and Clever Projects to Sew with FriendsHennebury, Krista20158048
Make Pincushions20168055
Make Room For Christmas QuiltsMartin, Nancy J.2002173
Make Star Quilts: 11 Stellar Projects to Sew20165117
Make Your BedEvans, Leslee20118029
Make Your Own Contemporary QuiltsHemingway, Karen, ed.20049144
Make Your Own MedallionHarris, Erin Burke2017362
Make Your Own Quilting Designs & PatternsWoodworth, Judy20124218
Making Connections: A Free-Motion Quilting WorkbookHruska, Dorie20173569
Making Happy QuiltsDuyck, Mieke20186369
Making No Sew Jackets & VestsLose, Patrick19944917
Making Quilts with Kathy Doughty PatternDoughty, Kathy2013939
Making Rag RugsVarious Authors2002308
Making Welsh QuiltsJenkins, Mary2005298
MandalaMasopust, Katie Pasquini1986737
Maple Leaf QuiltsBartos, Ilene939
Mariners' CompassMathieson, Judy1995741
Mariner's Compass StarsDoak, Carol2007754
Mariner's Medallion QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae20067512
Mark Making Through the SeasonsParrott, Helen201992116
Marvelous MitersCleveland, Susan2009109
Mastering Precision PiecingCollins, Sally20062617
Mastering the Art of McTavishing 2nd. ed. expanded & rev. 2DVDsMcTavish, Karen20143552
Masters Art QuiltsLeading Artists Major Works20089240
Masters Art Quilts Vol. 2Various Designers20119265
Material ObsessionDoughty, Kathy & Fiekle, Sarah20096411
Material Obsession 2Doughty, Kathy & Fiekle, Sarah20106418
Meadowbrook QuiltsVan Bockel, Jean 20035623
Melon Block (The)Wilson, E.20062110
Memory QuiltsBonsib, Sandy2004751
Menehune Quilts...the Hawaiian WayRoot, Elizabeth20015910
Merry Christmas QuiltsMartingale & Company20051714
Merry Christmas: 27 Festive Projects to Deck Your Home PATTERNSchaefer, Kim20151745
Midnight Quilts: 11 Sparkling Projects to Light Up the NightNevaril, Lerlene20129176
Mile-A-Minute QuiltsHultgren, Sharon20054722
Millefiori Quilts Hammerstein, Willyne20112763
Millefiori Quilts 2Hammerstein, Willyne20152754
Millefiori Quilts 3Hammerstein, Willyne20172755
Mini Quilts From Traditional DesignsCorcoran, A. & Wilkinson, C.O.1995378
Miniatures in MinutesSandelin, Terrie20083711
Minimal QuiltmakingMarston, Gwen20149129
Mixed-Media Self PortraitsCoulacos Prato, Cate2008829
Mixing Quilt ElementsDoughty, Kathy20162240
M'Liss Rae Hawley's Precut QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae20116544
M'Liss Rae Hawley's Scrappy QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae20084721
Moda All-Stars - Two, Four, Six, Eight: Fat-Quarter Quilts You'll AppreciateAlexander, Lissa20206560
Moda Block HeadsBengean,L., Chutchian, B., Hagmeier, L., Morton, J., Patek, J., & Nelson,C.2018969
Modern Appliqué Workbook PATTERNDick, Jenifer20139146
Modern Art QuiltsBleiweiss, Sue201892105
Modern BabyVarious Authors2013648
Modern Baby QuiltsFons, Marianne & Porter, Liz2014652
Modern Basics IIEllis, Amy20139116
Modern Bee: 13 Quilts to Make with FriendsConner, Lindsay2013482
Modern Designs for Classic QuiltsBiscopink, Kelly and Johnson, Andrea20129125
Modern Hand StitchingChandler, Ruth20142482
Modern Holiday: Deck the Halls with 18 Sewing ProjectsMurphy, Amanda20131740
Modern Machine QuiltingRedford, Catherine20173559
Modern Minimal: 20 Bold & Graphic QuiltsCarlton, Alissa Haight20129112
Modern Nature-Inspired QuiltsMayr, Bernadette20139135
Modern NeutralsEllis, Amy20139121
Modern One-Block Quilts: 22 Fresh Patchwork ProjectsBonner, Natalie and Whiting, Kathleen20139138
Modern Patchwork PATTERNHartman, Elizabeth20129120
Modern Plus Sign QuiltsBrickley, Cheryl and Alexander, Paige20189163
Modern Primitive QuiltsSimpson, Laurie20076325
Modern Quilt Bible: Over 100 techniques and design ideas for the modern quilterBetts, Elizabeth20199270
Modern Quilt MagicWolfe, Victoria Findlay20179161
Modern Quilt Workshop (The)Ringle & Kerr20059126
Modern QuiltingMichael Caputo20189165
Modern Quilts and MoreKimberly Einmo20149156
Modern Quilts from the Blogging UniverseThat Patchwork Place20139119
Modern Quilts: Nature-InspiredMayr, Bernadette20139168
Modern Rainbow Patchwork Quilts: 14 vibrant rainbow patchwork quilt projects, plus handy techniques, tips and tricks Steel, Paula20209175
Modern Rainbow: 14 Imaginative Quilts that Play with Colour PATTERNBryan, Rebecca20159136
Modern RootsVolckening, Bill20166392
Modern Scot PatchworkAllen, Kathy20186367
Modern Selvage QuiltingNason, Riel20164754
Modern Triangle QuiltsBryan, Rebecca2017798
Modern Twist: Create Quilts with a Colorful SpinBarnes, Natalie with Angela Walters20159140
Modern Vintage Gifts: Over 20 Pretty & Nostalgic Projects to Sew and GivePhilipps, Helen20158050
More Adventures with Leaders and EndersHunter, Bonnie K.20148540
More Celtic QuiltingLawther, Gail20041510
More Fabulous FlowersBaker, Sharon K.2008569
More Fat Quarter QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae2001652
More Favorite Traditional Quilts Made EasyParrott, Jo2010647
More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3Kennedy, Lori20183564
More Loose ChangePlett, Claudia & Weaver, LeAnn20106522
More Photo FunRymer, Cyndy & Koolish, Lynn2005405
More Quick and Easy Quilts for KidsAnnie's Quilting2016656
More Quilts from the Quilt Makers GiftLine, V.L.2003624
More Reversible QuiltsPederson, Sharon2004685
More Twist-and-Turn Bargello QuiltsWright, Eileen201379
Mosaic Picture QuiltsDurbin, Pat2007409
Motifs for Crazy QuiltingMichler, J. Marsha2002205
My RunnersDisa Designs20118031
Nancy CrowCrow, Nancy2006296
Native American DesignsMori, Joyce2005299
Natural DyesFereday, Gwen20032332
Natural World (The) Art Quilt PortfolioSielman, Martha20129268
Nature's PatternsBecker, Joyce1996338
Nature's StudioColvin, Joan2005551
Nature's Table ToppersField, Debbie20118030
Nautical Voyages for QuiltersBoyink, Betty2000522
Necktie Quilts ReinventedCopenhaver, Christine20142694
Needle FeltingBarickman, Amy2006121
Needles and Notions: Paper-pieced Patterns with a Sewing Room ThemeHuff, Jaynette20002732
Neutral EssentialsAnderson, Alex20078430
New Classic PatchworkSaito, Yoko20056395
New Classics (The)Henning, Brenda2006504
New Cuts for New QuiltsAnderson, Karla2006742
New Dimensions in Hand and Machine EmbroideryBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20022486
New Directions: Exploring Art QuiltsSAQA202092122
New Handmade (The)Barden, Cassie20088016
New Hexagon 2Marek, Katja20193811
New Hexagon: 52 Blocks to English Paper PieceMarek, Katja20142734
New Ideas for Lap QuiltingBonesteel, Georgia1987632
New Ideas in Fusing FabricBeal, Margaret20131633
New Light on Storm at Sea (A)Mathson, Wendy2009523
New Look at Log Cabin Quilts (A)Glover, Flavin20033416
New Quick and Easy Block ToolAneloski, Liz, Peterson, K. &Rodgers, D. ,Eds2016968
New Quilting by Machine (The)Singer19993522
New Spin on Drunkard's PathKubiniec, John2016704
New Turn on Drunkard's PathSuit, Mary Sue2002703
New Twist on Strips 'n CurvesSmith, Louisa20072123
New Ways with Jelly Rolls: 12 Reversible Modern Jelly Roll QuiltsLintott, Pam & Nicky20146539
New York Beauty Diversified copy 2Hahn, Linda J.2013757
New York Beauty SimplifiedHahn, Linda J.2011755
New York Beauty: Quilts form the Volckening CollectionVolckening, Bill20157511
Next Steps in Altered Photo Artistry PATTERNWheeler, Beth20094014
Nine Patch: New Quilts from an Old FavoriteLasco, Linda Baxter, ed.20156339
Nine-Patch Revolution:20 Modern Quilt ProjectsDick, Jennifer & Walters, Angela20186365
No-Mark Quilting DesignsMoore, Nan20134223
Noodle Soup (Quilts from 2" wide strips)Caffrey, Debbie2001787
No-Stress Paper PiecingMcCormick, Carolyn Cullinan20072720
Not Your Grandmothers Log CabinNephew, Sars & Baker, Marci20083414
Off the Block AppliquéPereira, Pearl P.20153117
Off-the-Shelf Fabric PaintingBeevers, S.2005235
Oh So Cozy Flannel QuiltsJensen, Lynette2004925
Oh, Scrap ! Alexander, Lissa20184760
Ombré: 6 colorful projectsSampou, Jennifer20199171
OmiyageSudo, Kumiko20018039
On a RollAlexander, Lissa20196554
On the RunMulder Peterson, H20096511
On the Surface - thread embellishmentHill, Wendy1997166
One Block Wonder: Panel QuiltsRosenthal, Maxine & Miller, Nancy20217416
One Handkerchief Makes a Small QuiltMarshall, Margo Takacs2008723
One Line At A TimeWarr Andersen, Charlotte20063518
One of a Kind Quilt LabelsNerud, Thea2004104
One Quilt, One MomentNorton, Alissa (editor)20009290
One-Block WondersRosenthal, Maxine20057414
One-Block Wonders Cubed!Rosenthal, Maxine & Pelzmann, Joy20107415
One-Block Wonders Encore!Rosenthal, Mazine & Pelzmann, Joy2008747
One-Patch QuiltsForster, Carolyn20176361
Optical IllusionsCombs, Karen19972213
Organic AppliquéDoughty, Kathy20193121
Organic Free Motion Quilting Idea Book: 170+ Designs; Tips for Longarm & Domestic Machines; Plus Plans for Sashing, Borders, Motifs & Allover DesignsMurphy, Amanda20193571
Organizing Your Craft SpacePackham, Jo2006536
Origami QuiltsMabbs, Louise & Lowes, Wendy20063126
Orphan Blocks: Making a Home for Antique, Vintage, Collectible and Leftover Quilt BlocksMaloney, Tricia Lynn20102940
Our Best Seasonal QuiltsFons & Porter20001811
Out of the BoxWeidman, Mary Lou20092226
Over Easy Pieced Quilt BacksNevaril, Lerlene2006105
Oxymorons: Absurdly Logical QuiltsHire, Dianne S., ed.20019274
P.S. I Love You ThreeMilligan, Lynda & Smith, Nancy200269
Painted Appliqué: A New ApproachPoole, Linda M.20139285
Painted Picture Quilts with Thread Painting and Thread EmbroideryDurbin, Pat20172512
Painted Quilt (The)Kemshall, Linda20072330
Painting with Fabric: Creating Art with Fabric Collage and Landscape QuiltingMalaney, Jeanine20123337
Painting with ThreadNicol, Kit2000259
Paintstiks on FabricStokes, Shelly20051626
Pairing Up 2-Block QuiltsMahoney, Nancy2003950
Paper & Metal Leaf Lamination DVDBenn, Claire20089256
Paper Piece a Flower GardenDavis, Jodie2001276
Paper Piece the Quick-Strip WayMartin, Peggy20072716
Paper Pieced CurvesDavis, Jodie2000272
Paper Piecing All Year Round: Mix & Match 24 Blocks; 7 Projects to SewHertel, Mary20202767
Paper Piecing Handy Pocket Guide: All the Basics & Beyond, 10 BlocksBruecher, Tacha20202764
Paper, Metal & StitchGrey, Maggie & Wild, Jane20052430
Paper-pieced Home: Quilting a Household One Block at a TimeLayman, Penny20142736
Paper-Pieced Mini QuiltsVoster, Wendy2007379
Paper-Pieced Modern: 13 Stunning Quilts PATTERNGarro, Amy20152741
Paradise Stitched: Sashiko & Appliqué QuiltsPippen, Sylvia20093143
Parallel Lines Dinndorf, Pamela Goecke20186370
Passing on the Comfort: the War, the Quilts, and the Women Who Made a DifferenceKeuning-Tichelaar, An and Kaplanian-Buller, Lynn200528
Passion for Colour: Exploring Colour through Paper, Print, Fabric, Thread and StitchIssett, Ruth20131922
Passion for Patchwork (A)Bergene, Lise20046320
Passionate PatchworkFassett, Kaffe20019312
Pat Sloan's Teach Me to Sew Triangles: 13 Easy Techniques Plus 12 Fun QuiltsSloan, Pat2015796
Patches of ScrapsSitar, Edyta20184764
Patchwork Among Friends From Patterns to PotlucksMartin, Judy2011485
Patchwork and Quilting Book Number 1 WestminsterFassett, Kaffe19999316
Patchwork and Quilting Book Number 2 WestminsterFassett, Kaffe20009318
Patchwork and Quilting: A Maker's GuideVictoria and Albert Museum20176364
Patchwork City: 75 Innovative Blocks for the Modern QuilterHartman, Elizabeth20146334
Patchwork Essentials: The Half-Square Triangle: Foolproof Patterns and Simple Techniques from Basic BlocksBaker, Jeni20156341
Patchwork Gifts: 20 Charming Patchwork Projects to Give and KeepBaek, Elise20196385
Patchwork LuxeMcLeod, Julia20146398
Patchwork Quilts Made Easy rev. 2nd ed.Wells, Jean20036310
Pathways to Better QuiltingTerry, Sally20043517
Patrick Lose Christmas (A) PATTERNLose, Patrick20081722
Pattern on Pattern: Spectacular Quilts from Traditional BlocksMcDowell, Ruth B.19916414
Peeled-Back Patchwork Curves Without PiecingOrnelas, Annette20046318
Peppermint & Holly Berries - Art to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy20061718
Perfect Blocks in MinutesSolomon, A.G.2004935
Perfecting The Quilting Stitch The Ins & OutsMorris, Patricia J.2001288
Petal and Stem: 40 Modern Floral Quilt Blocks to Mix-and-MatchFriend, Amy20205627
Petite Garden QuiltsThorpe, Zena20143020
Photo Album QuiltsButler Berns, Wendy20084010
Photo Transfer Handbook (The)Laury, Jean Ray1999403
Photo-Inspired Art QuiltsWiener,Leni Levenson20099242
Pictorial Art Quilt Guidebook: Secrets to Capturing Your Photos in FabricWiener, Leni Levenson20149291
Pictorial QuiltingGordon, Maggie McCormick2000926
Picture PiecingRoberts, Cynthia9213
Piece by PieceWong Spindler, Nancy20062619
Pieced Curves So Simple: The 6-Minute CircleFleming, Dale20052111
Pieced FlowersMcDowell, Ruth B.20002727
Pieced Hexies: A New Tradition in English Paper PiecingDepre, Mickey2015387
Pieced VegetablesMcDowell, Ruth B.2002264
Pieceful Scenes: Easy Perspective for PatchworkersMadden, Angela19973336
Piecing Makeover: Simple tricks to fine tune your patchworkMurphy, Patty201626109
Piecing With PixelsHart, Sandra & Campbell, Gudny20094019
Pillow PartyLindquist, Pamela20043026
Pillow PopBostic, Heather20138035
Pillows to Patch Quilt Collection ...the Hawaiian WayRoot, Elizabeth2002599
Pin PalsNelson, Carrie20188069
Pincushions and MoreAnnie's20188062
Pincushions for Every OccasionDaumer, Carmen2006806
Pineapple Stars PATTERNRexroad, Sharon2005759
Pinwheel PartyPahl, Ellen20102676
Piping Hot CurvesCleveland, Susan20072119
Play of Color QuiltingMayr, Bernadette20181941
Play QuiltsAddison, Kristin Kolstad200162
Playful Precut QuiltsNiederhauser, Amanda20206563
Playing with Patchwork & Sewing: 6 Blocks in 3 Sizes: 18 Exciting ProjectsCalver, Nicole20206384
Playtime Naptime Anytime QuiltsSchaefer, Kim2016655
Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushions Volume 2Poakalani/Serrao, J1999592
Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushions Volume 3Poakalani/Serrao, J2001593
Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushions Volume 4Poakalani/Serrao, J2003594
Point, Click, Quilt!Brubaker Knapp, Susan20114016
Points & Curves, Illustrated Guide ToWarner, Jodi20022113
Points of View: Landscape Quilts to Stitch and EmbellishHearder, Valerie20073326
Polka Dot ChristmasHarvey, Sue and Boobar, Sandy20101741
Polka-Dot Kids' QuiltsVan Bockel, Jean2005619
Portraits for Fabric Lovers: Mastering the Technique of RealismBelford, Marilyn2006824
Portraits from NatureWells, Jean2006565
Portraits TextilesRoumanoff, Katherine20198210
Positively PostcardsSabel, Bonnie & O'Donnell, L-P2007724
Pot Holders for All SeasonsMalone, Chris20168056
Potting Shed PatchworkMartin, Nancy J200239
Practical Guide to PatchworkHartman, Elizabeth20106326
Prairie LifeHagmeier, Lynne Boster20196378
Prairie-Point PizzazzSievert, Karen20112677
Preserving Our Quilt Legacy: Giving Antique Quilts the Care They DeserveWasserman, Ann201681
Pretty BirdsHartman, Elizabeth20194611
Pretty Little PotholdersLark Books20088013
Pretty Little Purses & PouchesLark Books20084920
Prize-Winning QuiltsWeiss, Rita2004415
Progressive Quilt - Japanese Quilt Art IISegawa, Setsuko19873110
Puzzle Quilts: Simple Blocks, Complex FabricNadelstern, Paula2005934
Q is for QuiltMcClun & Nownes2002781
Quick & Colourful AppliquéWilkinson, R.2006331
Quick & Easy Machine QuiltsNicol, Gloria20048060
Quick & Easy Quilted SweatshirtsHouse of White Birches2006499
Quick & easy Triangle Block Tool: Make 100 Triangle, Diamond & Hexagon Blocks in 4 SizesChristensen, Sheila20208543
Quick and Easy Hexie QuiltsRhodes, Peggy G. & Wood, Julia C2013388
Quick and Easy Quilt Block BuilderDreiss, Catherine20196382
Quick Column QuiltsZieman, Nancy20149133
Quick Diamond Quilts & Beyond Krentz, Jan20102655
Quick Little Landscape QuiltsBecker, Joyce20113319
Quick Little QuiltsWickell, Janet & Stidman, Donna19983712
Quick Quilt Projects, with Jelly Rolls, Fat Quarters, Honeybuns and Layer CakesZimmerman, Darlene20136540
Quick Quilted MiniaturesZimmerman, Darlene20013713
Quick-Method Classic Blue QuiltsLeisure Arts19972636
Quick-strip paper piecingMartin, Peggy2003279
Quilt (The)Salazar, Marie1997923
Quilt a Gift for ChristmasGaudet, Barri Sue20121754
Quilt a New Christmas: Appliquéd Quilts, Embellished Stockings & Perky Partridges for Your Tree PATTERNGoldsmith, Becky & Jenkins, Linda20151753
Quilt AfricaWilliamson, Jenny & Parker, Pat20049214
Quilt AgamiHiney, Mary Jo20033118
Quilt and Embellish in One StepPotter, Linda20042427
Quilt Art Chinese StyleShaung, Qiao20198073
Quilt Artistry: Inspired Designs from the EastJunzenji, Yoshiko20093154
Quilt As DesiredFrable, Charlene C.2007426
Quilt As You GoMillett, Sandra1982681
Quilt Designs from Decorative Floor TilesPorter, Christine20032214
Quilt Improv: Incredible Modern Quilts from Everyday InspirationsSummers, Lucie20139130
Quilt It As You Go: 5 Different Ways to Quilt as You PieceVagts, Carolyn S. ed.2013683
Quilt It for KidsBono, Pam2000617
Quilt Local: Finding Inspiration in the Everyday (with 40 Projects)Jones, Heather20158531
Quilt Lovely: 15 Vibrant Projects Using Piecing & Appliqué PATTERNKingwell, Jen20152695
Quilt Modern Curves & Bold Stripes: 15 Dynamic Projects for All Skill LevelsBlack, Heather & Aschehoug, Daisy20209172
Quilt National 2007Lark Books2007912
Quilt National 2011 (The Best of Contemporary Quilts)Lark Books20119110
Quilt Pink For HopeBetter Homes and Gardens20082634
Quilt RecipesKingwell, Jen 20224782
Quilt RemixCier, Emily20106413
Quilt RoadFassett, Kaffe20059311
Quilt SavvyFallert, Caryl Bryer2004848
Quilt Savvy Gaudynski's Machine Quilting GuidebookGaudynski, Diane20063519
Quilt SkillsQuilters' Guild Australia20039261
Quilt StudioBurbidge, Pauline2000225
Quilt StyleFazely, Lucy A.2002966
Quilt Talk: Paper-Pieced Alphabet with Symbols & Numbers: 12 Chatty ProjectsHunter, Sam2014873
Quilt The SeasonsBaker, B.K. and Boe, J.20041814
Quilt ToppingsCrust, Melody20052431
Quilt TransparencyRingle,Weeks & Kerr, Bill20119153
Quilt Your Favorite Photos with Pattern(s)Alofs, Betty2006407
Quilt Your StashFord, Joan, ed.20124744
Quiltastic CurvesKelly, Tammy20082118
Quilt-As-You-Go For Scrap LoversGauthier, Judy2023687
Quilt-As-You-Go Made ModernBrandvig, Jera20149134
Quilted Bags in a WeekendKharade, Ellen2004482
Quilted Bags with StyleKharade, Ellen20054926
Quilted CoastersHarvey, Sue20188066
Quilted EleganceKim, Rami20094912
Quilted Fairie TalesPoole, Linda M.2006631
Quilted Forest Décor PATTERNKralik, Terrie2005562
Quilted Garden (The)Sassaman, Jane A.2000301
Quilted Havens: City Houses, Country HomesPurney-Mark, Susan and Greig, Daphne19993022
Quilted LandscapesBlalock, Joan1996334
Quilted Legends of the WestZehner, Judy & Mosher, Kim19956111
Quilted Planet: A Sourcebook of Quilts From Around the WorldEddy, Celia2005322
Quilted Portrait BookTope, Teri Henderson2015822
Quilted Post CardsHaynes, Cheryl, Colley, B, Davis, B2006702
Quilted Projects & GarmentsSinger19954914
Quilted Symphony PATTERNLoughman, Gloria20109255
Quilted Throws, Bags and AccessoriesKono, Sanae20188063
Quilter's 10" Square Precut CompanionDoan, Jenny20206565
Quilter's Album of Patchwork PatternsBeyer, Jinny20096327
Quilter's ArkRolfe, Margaret19972742
Quilter's Book of DesignJohnston, Ann20002227
Quilter's BountyStrobel, Robin2004636
Quilter's Color Club (The)Barnes, Christine E.20111917
Quilter's Color Scheme Bible: More than 700 Stunning Color CombinationsEddy, Celia20061932
Quilters Companion (The)Guerrier, Katharine2003845
Quilter's FavoritesC & T Publishing20092650
Quilter's Favorites Vol.2C & T Publishing20092651
Quilters Get OrganizedDonham, Pattie2006533
Quilter's Home: Spring (The)Fletcher, Lois Krushina2005182
Quilter's Mixology: Shaking Up Curved PiecingPingel, Angela2013702
Quilter's Negative Space HandbookSchaefer, Sylvia20199167
Quilter's Paper-Piecing Workbook with CDDackson, Elizabeth20162749
Quilters PlaytimeHire, Dianne S.20048537
Quilter's Practical Guide to ColorGoldsmith, Becky20151923
Quilter's Recipe Book (The)Eddy, Celia200526104
Quilters' Travel Companion 12th Edition 2012-2014n/d413
QuiltingTsang Jackson, Andrea20259181
Quilting 101Creative Publishing2003844
Quilting Arts Book (The)Bolton, Patricia20088510
Quilting Arts Book: Techniques and Inspiration for Creating One-of-a-Kind QuiltsBolton, Patricia20088519
Quilting Arts Idea Book: Inspiration & Techniques for Art QuiltingDenegre, Vivika Hansen201892103
Quilting Back to FrontScouler, Larraine2001424
Quilting by Design: 155 Free-Motion Designs in 10 Elegant Suites CDSchick, Jessica20153540
Quilting by ImprovisationPignatelli, Vicki20079225
Quilting Concepts in Sulky PATTERNSulky of America19932428
Quilting CurvesPignatelli, Vicki20012115
Quilting Dot-to-DotBarnes, Cheryl2006427
Quilting for ChristmasLeisure Arts20121737
Quilting for People Who Still Don't Have Time to QuiltMichell, Marti1998474
Quilting for the First TimeKooler, Donna20038423
Quilting from Every AnglePurvis, Nancy20159158
Quilting IllusionsEddy, Calia2004628
Quilting in Black & WhiteLeisure Arts20129157
Quilting Line & Color PATTERNJinzenji, Yoshiko20052225
Quilting MasterclassGuerrier, Katharine2000229
Quilting ModernGering, Jacquie & Pedersen, Katie881
Quilting on the Go: English Paper PiecingBurgess, Sharon20172748
Quilting on the Move with English Paper PiecingMacdonald, Alistair20192761
Quilting Row by RowWhite, Jenette & Hamilton, Erin201726111
Quilting the Great OutdoorsField, Debbie2007568
Quilting the New Classics: 20 Inspired Quilt Projects Traditional to ModernMuska, Michele20149132
Quilting the Savory GardenMillett, Sandra20035619
Quilting the World OverSoltow, Willow Ann1991321
Quilting Up A StormQuigley, Lydia1996511
Quilting with a Modern Slant: People, Patterns and Techniques Inspiring the Modern Quilt CommunityMay, Rachel20149142
Quilting with KidsSheppard, Wendy and Sheppard, Gwendolyn20196380
Quilting With My SisterBrandeburg,B & Christopherson, T20046349
Quilting with Stash or CashHahn, Linda J.and Deborah G. Stanley. 2021 47 07320214773
Quilting Your Memories- designing with image transfersBonsib, Sandy1999401
Quilting...Just a Little Bit Crazy PATTERNAller, Allie & Bothell, Valerie20142013
Quiltmaker's Color WorkshopsRingle & Kerr20021911
Quiltmakers Eight Workshops From the Very Best Lintott, Pam - Consultant20098539
Quiltmaking Essentials 1: Cutting and Piecing SkillsThomas, Donna Lynn20148442
Quilt-O-GramsMalkowski, Cheryl20087211
Quilts A to ZCausse, Linda & Weiss, Rita20068426
Quilts By MondayAnnie's Quilting20122678
Quilts du Jour: Make It Your Own with a la Carte Blocks & SettingsBuck, Marny and Guffy, Jill20159148
Quilts for Babies & KidsHouse of White Birches2003643
Quilts for Men from Crib to Dorm to DenLandauer Books20082627
Quilts from Grandmothers GardenHuff, Jaynette20052711
Quilts from NatureColvin, Joan19935624
Quilts From Textured SolidsSchaefer, Kim20112667
Quilts from the HeartRenaud, Karin20064719
Quilts From The Quilt maker's GiftLine, J.L. & Tubesing, N.L.20008052
Quilts from Tilda’s StudioFinnanger, Tone20196381
Quilts in BloomHaslam, Marion20045620
Quilts in MoroccoFassett, Kaffe20149313
Quilts in My CubicleHoltzman, Barbara20088018
Quilts in the Cotswolds: Medallion Quilt DesignsFassett, Kaffe2019363
Quilts in WalesFassett, Kaffe20229320
Quilts Made ModernRingle, Weeks & Kerr, Bill20109154
Quilts of a Different ColorBluhm, Irena20082312
Quilts of IcelandErla Gudrun2017323
Quilts on the DoubleHooworth, Judy2008788
Quilts TranparencyWeeks Ringle & Bill Kerr20119153
Quilts With a Spin PATTERNGoldsmith, Becky & Jenkins, Linda20052652
Quilts with a View: A Fabric AdventureLabanaris, Faye19983332
Quilts with an Angle: New Foolproof Grid Method & Easy Strip CuttingChristensen, Sheila20196377
Quilts With AttitudeKarasik, Deb20097510
Quilts with Unique Borders: Extraordinary Border FinishesVagts, Carolyn S. ed.20141012
Quilts, Bibs, Blankies Oh My! PATTERNSchaefer, Kim2008635
Quiltstyle - Cool and Cozy CoverletsTadd, Tammy20072642
Radiant LandscapesLoughman, Gloria20133322
Radiant New York BeautiesWells, Valori2003752
Rainbow Quilts: For Scrap LoversGauthier, Judy20174757
Raised Quilt and Stitch: Techniques, Projects and Pure InspirationCritcher, Sylvia20161628
Raising the Surface with Machine EmbroideryGrey, Maggie & Wild, Jane20031623
Razzle Dazzle QuiltsHooworth, Judy20012688
Reach for the StarsHenning, Brenda2007753
Recreating Antique Quilts_ Re-envisioning, Modifying and Simplifying Museum QuiltsSheppard, Wendy20142931
Rectangle PizzazzSisneros, Judy20082625
RedBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20071943
Red & Green Quilts: 14 Classic Quilts with Enduring AppealThat Patchwork Place20206389
Red & White Quilts: Infinite VarietyAmerican Folk Art Museum2015414
Red and White QuiltsMartingale20186374
Reflections of Nature: The Art & Embroidery of Jane HallHall, Jane E.20072481
Relax and QuiltWilens, Patricia19986362
Remarkable Rectangles: Deceptively Simple Strip-Pieced QuiltsDeCarli, Robert20147827
Replique QuiltKirsh, C.L.2001402
Reverse Appliqué with no BrakezMullen, Jan2003315
Reversible QuiltsPederson, Sharon2002686
Ribbon Star QuiltsMahoney, Nancy2008515
Ricky Tims Baskets & FlowersTims, Ricky20089237
Ricky Tims' Convergence QuiltsTims, Ricky20039230
Ricky Tims' Feathers & UrnsTims, Ricky20089236
Ricky Tims' Rhapsody QuiltsTims, Ricky20079232
Ricky Tims' Super Quilt SeminarsTims, Ricky201492124
Ring Around the HexiesDupre, Mickey2015385
Rings That BindPhillips, Cheryl & Pyston, Linda2003872
Rock That Quilt Block: 10 Gorgeous Quilts to Make from the Country Crown BlockHahn, Linda and Stanley, Deborah G.2020970
Rolling Along Easy Quilts from 2 1/2" StripsMartin, Nancy J.20086516
Romantic QuiltsAustralian Patchwork & Quilting200453
Rose of Sharon Block BookPederson, Sharon20105614
Rose Windows For QuiltersBeasley, Angela2000502
Rotary Cutting & Speed PiecingDunn, Sarah Sacks (Editor)2000444
Rotary Cutting RevolutionSolomon, A.G.2010448
Row by RowMartin, Terry200026101
Row Quilts: Longitudes & LatitudesVagts, Carolyn S. ed.20148526
Rowan Patchwork Quilting BookFassett, Kaffe & Horton,Roberta20009315
Rulerwork Quilting Idea BookMurphy, Amanda20183562
Rulerwork Quilting Idea BookMurphy, Amanda20183565
RunnermaniaSquibb, Kathryn & Jacobs, Deborah20128036
Runners, Etc.Squibb, Kathryn & Jacobs, Deborah20098037
Ruth B. McDowell's Design WorkshopMcDowell, Ruth B.20072219
SashikoParker, Mary S.1999315
SashikoClay, Jill20193152
Save the ScrapsBong, Gayle20054716
Savor Each Stitch: Studio Quilting with Mindful Design PATTERNFriedlander, Carolyn20149145
Scallops Sew Easy: Love to Quilt SeriesSeroskie, Marie20071016
Scatter Garden QuiltsMostek, Pamela20053021
Schnibbles Times TwoNelson, Carrie20106529
Scrap FrenzySchneider, Sally20014724
Scrap Quilt SecretsKnott, Diane D.20164752
Scrap Quilt SensationGuerrier, Katherine20074745
Scrap Quilting Strip by StripBrackett, Kim20134739
Scrap Quilts - The Art of Making DoHorton, Roberta19984711
Scrap Quilts Fit for a Queen or a King, Twin or Lap!Schneider, Sally20134737
Scrap School: 12 All-New Designs from Amazing QuiltersAlexander, Lissa20214772
Scrap-Basket Bounty: 16 Single Block Quilts that Make your Scraps ShineBrackett, Kim20184763
Scrap-Basket SensationsBrackett, Kim20114755
Scrap-Basket SurprisesBrackett, Kim20094729
Scrapmania - More Quick-Pieced Scrap QuiltsSchneider, Sally1994475
Scrap-o-lator Quilts & MoreSpringer, Dianne20124732
ScrappiqueMarshall, Jean20024712
Scrappy bits AppliqueBrinkley, Shannon20143125
Scrappy DuosThomas, Donna Lynn2000477
Scrappy Fat Quarter Quilts: Favorite Projects from Fons & PorterFons, Marianne, ed.20144748
Scrappy Firework QuiltsSitar, Edyta20124743
Scrappy Improv QuiltingYoung, Kelly20214774
ScrapsMartin, Judy20064720
Scraps & Shirttails II: Continuing the Art of Quilting GreenHunter, Bonnie K.20104778
Scraps & Shirttails: Reuse, Re-Purpose, Recycle!Hunter, Bonnie K.20084777
Scraps, Inc. Vol. 1 :Block Based Design for the Modern QuilterWoods, Susanne20164750
Scraps, Inc. Vol. 2 :Scrap Pieced Design for the Modern QuilterWoods, Susanne20164751
Screen Printing at Home: Print Your Own FabricLewis, Karen20142324
Sculpted ThreadsShipley Hawks, Janet20071617
Seaside QuiltsPorter, Carol C.20138043
Seasons Greetings: A Hatched and Patched ChristmasDowns, Anni20151749
Secrets of Elemental Quilting (The) DVDMcTavish, Karen20063550
Seductive SurfacesBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20061638
Seeing StarsRobson, Shelley Lynne2005513
Seems Like Scrappy: The Look You Love with Fat Quarters and PrecutsSilbaugh, Rebecca20156545
Seminole Patchwork BookBradkin, Cheryl Greider19807837
Sensational Quilts for Scrap Lovers: 11 Easily Pieced Projects; Color & Cutting StrategiesGauthier, Judy20204770
Sensational Sashiko-Japanese Appliqué/Quilt by MachinePederson, Sharon20053144
Sensational Small QuiltsDoyle, Christine20106360
Sense of AdventureBavor, Nancy, ed. SAQA20119281
Serendipity Quilts: Cutting Loose Fabric CollageCarlson, Susan20109278
Sew & Quilt Japanese DécorBoerens, Trice20043119
Sew a Modern Home: Quilts and More for Every RoomLunden, Melissa20149159
Sew and Quilt: Techniques and projects for Hand-Stitching and PatchworkBeal, Susan20192811
Sew Beautiful Quilted BagsShibata, Akemi20184927
Sew Cute and Clever: Farm and Forest FriendsHertel, Mary20192762
Sew Easy CelticMadden, Angela1993153
Sew Easy SewingMostek, Pamela/Mostek, Rachel20078011
Sew Easy SnowballsCovey, Mary M.2008940
Sew EmojiRunge, Gailen20188068
Sew Gifts with LoveZieman, Nancy20038051
Sew Happy: 10 Cheerful Quilts You'll Have Fun MakingKlop, Sandy20206388
Sew Layer Cake Quilts and GiftsForster, Carolyn20186548
Sew Magical: Paper Piece Unicorns, Dragons, Mermaids & More; 16 Blocks & 7 ProjectsHertel, Mary20202765
Sew Very Easy Quilt Favorites: 12 Skill-Building ProjectsCoia, Laura20209174
Sew, Slice, Spin and SashTheresa Ward20167828
SewflakesWylie, Kathy2007341
Sewing Machine Reference ToolTobisch, Bernie202018
Sewing Machine SecretsVasbinder, Nicole20128427
Sewing Scrap Blocks with CharacterLebedenko, Olesya20202769
Sewing to Sell: the Beginner's Guide to Starting a Craft Business PATTERNLindsay, Virginia201413
Sewing with Vintage LinensMcNesby, S.20038061
Shadow AppliquéVan Oven, Hetty2003373
Shadow Quilts: Easy-to-Design Multiple Image QuiltsMagaret, Patricia M. & Slusser, Donna Ingram20002689
Shadow Trapunto QuiltsGrama, Geta2012543
Shape by Shape: Free Motion Quilting with Angela WaltersWalters, Angela20143536
Shatter and SewMantini, Connie20094742
ShiboriCaldwell, Lynne2006239
Shifting PerspectiveTorrence, Lorraine20062612
Shoreline QuiltsRymer, Cyndy Lyle (Editor)20033335
Shortcut to Drunkards Path-Easy Appliqué CurveFrischkora, Ann & Sandrin, Amy2005691
Show Me How to Create Quilting Designs PATTERNSandbach, Kathy20043510
Show Me how to Machine QuiltSandbach, Kathy2002355
Show Me How to Plan My QuiltingSandbach, Kathy20072230
Showstopping Quilts to Foundation PieceLund, Tricia & Pollard, Judy20072724
Signed-By-Friends QuiltsHawks, Dori2005763
Silk Quilts- From the Silk Road to the Quilter's Studiode Kroning-Stapel, Hanne Vibeke2000925
Simple Chenille QuiltsHelmkamp. Amy Whalen2006672
Simple Contemporary QuiltsVan Arsdale Schrader, Valerie2007914
Simple Fabric Folding for HalloweenAneloski, Liz2005185
Simple Friendships 2 Diehl, Kim & Morton, Jo2019484
Simple Geometric Quilting: Modern, Minimalist Designs for Throws, Pillows, Wall Decor and MorePreston, Laura20199169
Simple GracesDiehl, Kim20106417
Simple Life: Quilts Inspired by the 50'sPagliai, Shelly20166416
Simple Quilts for the Modern HomeSoebbing, Stephanie20199166
Simple SeasonsDiehl, Kim2007189
Simple Shape Table ToppersCampbell, Pat2007807
Simple Shapes Stunning QuiltsHillard, Stuart201926116
Simple Stained Glass Quilts PATTERNPurney-Mark, Susan/Greig, Daphne2008505
Simple Start Stunning FinishWells, Valori20078418
Simple Stenciling Dramatic QuiltsStallebrass, Pamela20072311
Simple Strategies for Block-Swap QuiltsRoddy Brown, Lynn2009471
Simple Style Easy Weekend QuiltsDiepersloot, Sara20092657
Simple to Sensational BatiksSmith, Nancy & Milligan, Lynda2008693
Simply Amazing Spiral QuiltsMerrill, RaNae2008732
Simply Appliqué: The Hugs 'n Kisses Way (with CD)Stubbings, Helen20143113
Simply Color: Blue - A Crayon Box for QuiltersChristenson, Vanessa20151928
Simply Color: Green - A Crayon Box for QuiltersChristenson, Vanessa20151927
Simply Color: Orange - A Crayon Box for QuiltersChristenson, Vanessa20141925
Simply Color: Purple - A Crayon Box for QuiltersChristenson, Vanessa20151939
Simply Color: Red - A Crayon Box for QuiltersChristenson, Vanessa20141924
Simply Color: Yellow - A Crayon Box for QuiltersChristenson, Vanessa20151926
Simply Dynamic Sampler QuiltsHatton, Marianne L.2010469
Simply Modern ChristmasLammon, Cindy20131739
Simply Modern Patchwork BagsGoddard, Jane20164924
Simply Modern Patchwork QuiltsGoddard, Jane20189164
Simply SeminoleHanisko, Dorothy19977839
Simply Stars - Quilts That SparkleAnderson, Alex1996517
Simply Stars: Easy Quilts & ProjectsLandauer, Jeramy20155115
Simply StringsHeredia, Rana20144767
Simply Stunning Seamless Quilts: 14 Easy Projects to Fuse PATTERNFaustino, Anna2015506
Simply Stunning Woven Quilts PATTERNFaustino, Anna20089234
Simply Successful Appliqué CDSullivan, Jeanne2012375
Singular SensationsDouglas, Barbara2011958
Singular Stars: Judy Martin's Book of Lone Star QuiltsMartin, Judy20185118
Sisterhood of Scraps: 12 Brilliant Quilts from 7 Fantastic DesignersAlexander, Lissa20204769
Sizzle Quilt: Sew 9 Paper-Pieced Stars & Appliqué Striking Borders; 2 Bold ColorwaysGoldsmith, Becky20202770
Sizzling CirclesHill, Lacey J.20092126
Sketch in TimeBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn, Jean20032251
Skinny Quilts & Table RunnersLevie, Eleanor (Editor)2008809
Skinny Quilts & Table Runners IIVarious Designers20098020
Skinny Quilts PATTERNSchaefer, Kim20128033
Skip the Borders - Easy Patterns for Modern QuiltsHerman, Julie (Jaybird Quilts)20129115
SkydyesLawler, Mickey19992321
Skyquilts PATTERNLawler, Mickey20113324
Slash Your Stash QuiltsPlett, Claudia & Weaver, LeAnn20074736
Slice of Christmas (A)Jenkins and Goldsmith2003178
Small Art Quilts: Explorations in Paint and StitchO'Hare, Deborah201892101
Small QuiltsVanessa-Ann Collection1989371
Small Quilts Made Easy PATTERNBurge, Shelly1998372
Smash Your Precut Stash: 13 Quilts Using Your Jelly Rolls, Charm Squares & Fat Quarters with YardageColleran, Kate Carlson and Balderrama, Elizabeth Veit20156546
Snowflake FolliesMartin, Terry20031711
Snowflakes & QuiltsNadelstern, Paula200126102
Snowman ThreadsNeed'l Love1750
Some Assembly Required: Mixed Technique QuiltsEngel, Margie20118525
Sooo Big! Baby Quilts, 33 Adorable Designs to Sew for Little Ones2021661
Southwest by SouthwestOlsen, Kirsten20012938
Spectacular RectanglesBartos, Ilene20102649
Spectacular ScrapsHooworth, Judy & Rolfe, Margaret19994740
Spectacular Stars Simplified: Stitch & Flip Quilts with a Lone Star LookCavanna, Shelley20205120
Spellbinding Quilts: Wizards, Witches and Magical CharactersBakker, Maaike20061815
Spiral Lone Star Quilt, Strip and Paper-Pieced Medallion QuiltKrentz, Jan20215122
Splash of Color: a Rainbow of Brilliant Black-and-White QuiltsKunkel,Jackie20151938
Splendid SamplerSloan, Pat & Davidson, Jane20176347
Spotlight on NeutralsWys, Pat20112666
Spring CleaningAtkinson Designs20034759
Square DealMahoney, Nancy20072682
Stack a New Deck: More Great Quilts in 4 Easy StepsAlexander, Karla20047411
Stack and Cut: Hexagon QuiltsNephew, Sara & Baker, Marci20183810
Stack the DeckAlexander, Karla2002744
Stack the Deck RevisitedAlexander, Karla2010746
Stack, Shuffle and SlideAlexander, Karla20147410
Stack-n-Wackier QuiltsReynolds, Bethany S.20017417
Stained Glass MedallionsVagts, Carolyn2019508
Stained Glass Quilts IISchwartz, Liz & Seifert, Stephen20042718
Stained Glass Quilts Reimagined: Fresh Techniques & DesignAllers, Allie2017507
Star Quilts - Best of Fons & PorterFons, Marianne & Porter, Liz20125110
Star Struck QuiltsCline, Barbara H.20105112
Start with a SweatshirtWiseman, Nancie M.20084911
Start With a Sweatshirt 2Wiseman, Nancie M.20104919
Start with StripsAche, Susan20177838
Stash MagicHuff, Jaynette20094725
Stash Statement : Make the Most of Your Quilts with Easy Improv QuiltsYoung, Kelly20184761
Stash With Splash Quilts DVDCasciato, Cindy20104728
Stash-Buster QuiltsEdwards, Lynne20064731
Stashbusters: Featuring the controlled scrappy techniqueMaxwell, Sarah & Smith, Dolores20164749
Stashtastic: 12 Patterns for Fat-Quarter QuiltsLeko, Doug20186550
Stellar QuiltsMartin, Judy2010519
Step by Step Fabric PaintingOdendoal, T. and Pretorius, A.2003234
Step-by-Step Free Motion Quilting: Turn 9 Simple Shapes into 80+ Distinctive DesignsCameli, Christina20153539
Step-by-Step Texture QuiltingCameli, Christina20193570
Still Stripping After 25 YearsBurns, Eleanor20037816
Stitch and Structure: Design and Technique in Two-and-Three Dimensional TextilesDraper, Jean20132236
Stitch Like an EgyptianThe Tentmakers of Cairo Exhibit20128515
Stitch 'n Flip QuiltsWells, Valori2000275
Stitch Your Story: Six Complete Alphabets to Quilt Your Own StoryFielke, Sarah2019851
Stitch, Dissolve, Distort with Machine EmbroideryCampbell-Harding, Valerie & Grey, M2006164
Stitch, Fabric and ThreadHealey, Elizabeth20171632
Stitch, Spritz & SewBowers, Kathy20082116
Stitched CollageKhan, Sherrill20082446
Stitched From the HeartTurner-Goodhart, Kori20198072
Stitched MemoriesRose, Tilly2018764
Stitched Textiles: BirdsSumner, Rachel20169296
Stitched Textiles: FlowersBritnell, Bobby20135626
Stitched Textiles: LandscapesMatthews, Kathleen20133340
Stitched Textiles: NatureRedfern, Stephanie201892108
Stitched Textiles: SeascapesHislop, Amanda20193341
Stitching Pathways: Successful Quilting on Your Home MachineSheppard, Wendy20173563
Stitching The Textured SurfaceMonk, Lynda & McFee, Carol20091616
Stitching to Dye in Quilt ArtBarnes, C. June20092316
Stori of Beaded EmbellishmentsStori, Mary2001249
Storm at SeaSmith, Barbara (A.Q.S.)2000524
Story Quilts & How to Make ThemClark, Mary Clare1995639
Straight-Line Quilting DesignsWarr Anderson, Charlotte, et al.20193573
Strata Various QuiltsPersing, Barbara & Hoover, Mary2008789
Striking Strip QuiltsHenderson, Kate20167832
String FlingHunter, Bonnie K.20124779
String Frenzy: Strips, Strings and Scrappy ThingsHunter, Bonnie K.20184765
String Quilt StyleHogan, Mary M.20164753
Strip Happy: Quilting on a RollKinsey, Donna20076562
Strip Lovers: 8 Original Quilts from Jelly Roll 2 1/2" StripsMcNeill, Suzanne20086542
Strip OnErla, Gudrun20097818
Strip Pieced BargelloSteele, Judith2019713
Strip Pieced Watercolor MagicSpingola, Deanna1996561
Strip Quilt SecretsKnott, Diane D.20187840
Strip TherapyHenning, Brenda7811
Strip Therapy 10Henning, Brenda20126528
Strip Therapy 11Henning, Brenda20137823
Strip Therapy 2 Bali Pop AddictionHenning, Brenda20096524
Strip Therapy 3 Bali Pop ObsessionHenning, Brenda20096525
Strip Therapy 4 Bali Pop FrenzyHenning, Brenda20096526
Strip Therapy 5 Bali Pop ManiaHenning, Brenda20106527
Strip Therapy 6 Bali Pop FascinationHenning, Brendan.d.6517
Strip Therapy 7 Bali Pop Small WondersHenning, Brenda20116518
Strip Therapy 8 Bali Pop CompulsionHenning, Brenda20116519
Strip Therapy 9 Bali Pop ConundrumHenning, Brenda20126521
Strip Therapy Bali Pop - Dynamic DuosHenning, Brenda20006534
Strip Your StashErla, Gudrun20157841
Strip-Pieced QuiltsBakker, Maaike20057817
Strippin' Along: Appliqué Quilts on a RollKinsey, Donna and Rocamontes, Linda20076543
Strips ' n CurvesSmith, Louisa L.2001763
Strips and StringsSloppy, Evelyn2003784
Stunning 3-D Quilts SimplifiedBerry, Ruth Ann20209177
Stunning Angleplay QuiltsMiller, Margaret J.20082626
Stupendous StitchingWaugh, Carol Ann2012255
Successful Scrap Quilts from Simple RectanglesTurner, Judy & Rolfe, Margaret20024733
Sulky Secrets to Successful Applique PATTERNDrexler, Joyce2002314
Sulky Secrets to Successful Embroidery...and MoreDrexler, Joyce20042479
Sun Kissed Quilts & CraftsBaker, B.K. and Boe, J.2005237
Sunday Morning Quilts: Sort, Store, and Use Every Last Bit of Your Treasured FabricsNyberg, Amanda Jean and Arkison, Cheryl20124747
Sunflower New Quilts from an Old FavoriteBaxter Lasco, Linda20106410
Super Quick QuiltsThat Patchwork Place20139123
Super Simple Jelly Roll QuiltsAnderson, Alex & Aneloski, Liz20106523
Super Simple StripsSmith, Nancy & Milligan, Lynda20037814
Surface Designers ArtOrban, Nancy (editor)19931611
Surface Designer's HandbookBrackmann, Holly20061612
Surfaces for StitchHedley, G.20041625
Surprisingly Simple QuiltsAustralian Patchwork & Quilting20064718
Sweater Weather: Eight Cozy Chill-in-the-Air QuiltsAche, Susan20206387
Sweet and Simple Baby QuiltsHickey, Mary2003613
Sylvia's Bridal SamplerChiaverini, Jennifer2009463
Table ToppersField, Debbie20088012
Tabletop QuiltsFons, Marianne & Porter, Liz20108034
Take Flight: Fun with Textile CollageTaylor, Emily 202092123
Take the Fear Out of ColorSloan, Pat20071913
Take Two Fat Quarters: Home: 16 Gorgeous Sewing Projects for Using Up Your Fat Quarter StashGardiner, Wendy20206559
Taking FlightRoberts, Kelly Rae2008858
Tangle Stitches for Quilters + Fabric ArtistsMonk, Jane20143534
Tantalizing Table ToppersSloan, Pat20228075
Taupe InspirationsIrvine, Kylie20119118
Teach Me to Make My First QuiltSloan, Pat20178440
Teach Yourself Blocks from the PastHenry, Marie2001292
Team Spirit: Get in the Game with 11 Sports-Inspired QuiltsSchuyler, Suzzie20158534
Teen-Tiny QuiltsThomas, Donna Lynn20183717
Terrific T Shirt QuiltsBurns, Karen M.201626105
Terrific Table ToppersAnnie's20188067
Terrific Table Toppers with Patrick Lose PATTERNLose, Patrick20098025
Tessellation QuiltsPorter, Christine20062630
Textile CollagePattullo, Mandy20169295
That Handmade TouchSotak, Svetlana20198071
That Perfect Stitch: the Secrets of Fine Hand Quilting 2nd ed.McElroy, Dierdra A.2011286
The Big Book of Pretty and Playful AppliquéArmstrong, Carol20183118
The Building Blocks of Free-Motion Quilting: Combining Basic Designs into Knock-Out Custom QuiltingRiggins, Kathleen20203576
The New Hexagon2: 52 more blocks to English Paper PiecingMarek, Katja201927472
The Quilter's Field Guide to Color: A Hands-On Workbook for Mastering Fabric SelectionHauser, Rachel 20191944
The Seedling QuiltsGodfrey, Jodi20192766
The Ultimate Guide to Free Motion QuiltingWalters, Angela20243584
The Ultimate Guide to Rulerwork Quilting: From Buying Tools to Planning the Quilting to Successful StitchingMurphy, Amanda20203577
There's More than one way to Bind a QuiltLandauer Publishing20151013
Thimbleberries Learning to QuiltJensen, Lynette20078428
Think Big: Quilts, Runners, and Pillows from 18" BlocksEllis, Amy20148047
Thinking Outside the BlockCummings, S.20042215
Third Times a CharmGroves, Barbara and Jacobson, Mary20196556
This the Season Quilts and Other ComfortsLarge, Jeanne & Wicks, Syelley2010186
Thr3fold No.1 CDKemshall,L/Kemshall,L/Nicholls,C20079246
Thr3fold No.2 CDKemshall,L/Kemshall,L/Nicholls,C9247
Thr3fold No.3 CDKemshall,L/Kemshall,L/Nicholls,C9248
Thr3fold No.4 CDKemshall,L/Kemshall,L/Nicholls,C20099249
Thread Magic GardenEddy, Ellen Anne2012254
Thread Magic: The Enchanted World of Ellen Anne EddyEddy, Ellen Anne2005257
Thread PaintingWhite, Terry2008258
Thread PaintingWiener, Leni Levenson20072511
Thread Painting with StylePrince, Nancy20112513
Thread Stories: A Guide to Creating Stunning Stitched Portrait QuiltsDay, Jennifer2015827
Thread Work UnraveledSmith, Sarah Ann20093551
Threads from the 30'sMartin, Nancy J.2000291
Threads The Basics & BeyondBates, Debbie & Kettle, Liz2010253
Thrifty Quilter (The)Wiens, Anne20104735
Tile Quilt Revival PATTERNGilham Jones, Carol & Finley, Bobbi20102921
Time Crunch Quilts CDMartin, Nancy J.20002622
Timeless Toile: Terrific Quilts, Pillows, PursesRentzel, Roxanne20032932
Top It With A RunnerHouse of White Birches20058021
Top the Table: 17 Quilt Patterns for Runners, Toppers, and MoreAlexander, Lissa20218074
Toppers for Every TableHouse of White Birches20088017
Touch of Felt (A) MISSING its PATTERN 9/12Farris, Lynne2009124
Traditional Japanese Stencil DesignsHornung, Clarence (Editor)19853131
Traditional Quilts for Kids to MakeEikmeier, Barbara J.2001646
Traditional Quilts With a TwistBall, Maggie20066412
Traditional Two Block QuiltsSaulmon, Sally2005955
Traditions from Elm Creek Quilts PATTERNChiaverini, Jennifer20112672
Transfers and Altered ImagesCozen, Chris20098517
Transforming FabricDahl, Carolyne A.2004236
Transparency in TextilesThorne, Dawn2009161
Treasures from the 30'sMahoney, Nancy20102924
Treasures from the BarnCollins, Linda20166368
Treasures UnderfootMacGregor, Shirley20013120
Trees as a ThemeBeaney, Jan & Littlejohn20015625
Triangle TricksSchneider, Sally792
Triangle-Free QuiltsHopkins, Judy20026393
T-Shirt Quilt BookConner, Lindsay & Crim, Carla H.201726112
Tuck Me InQuiltmakers Magazine2005625
Tucks and Textures TwoRayment, Jennie1997167
Tucks, Textures & PleatsRayment, Jennie19971619
Turnabout Patchwork: Simple Quilts with a TwistBarreu, Teresa Mairal20186376
Twilight Garden Quilts PATTERNKemball, Deborah2012370
Twist-and-Turn Bargello QuiltsWright, Eileen200978
Twisted ClassicsHouse of White Birches2006954
Two Block Theme QuiltsOlson, Claudia2006930
Ultimate Applique Reference ToolSmith, Annie20193126
Ultimate Design Source Book20064221
Ultimate Guide to Art Quilting: 1000+ Step-by-Step IllustrationsSeward, Linda20149282
Ultimate Guide to Longarm Machine Quilting (The)Taylor, Linda V.2002941
Ultimate Guide to Machine QuiltingWalters, Angela & Watson, Christa20163555
Ultimate Half Log Cabin Book (The)Craig, Sharyn20013415
Ultimate Scrap Quilt (The)Mori, Joyce19974723
Ultimate Thread GuideGoldsmith, Becky201916
Undeniably Crazy PATTERNBuggy Barn20122752
Underground Railroad SamplerBurns, Eleanor & Bouchard, Sue20032920
Urban and Amish: Classic Quilts and Modern UpdatesHarder, Myra20149149
Urban Country QuiltsLarge, Jeanne & Wicks, Shelley20112671
Urban Views 12 Quilts Inspired by City LivingHouse, Cherri20139122
Use Your Yardage: 13 Stash-Busting Quilts from Top DesignersC&T Press20164756
Velda Newman-A Painter's approach to Quilt DesignsBarnes, Christine19962210
Versatile Nine PatchFord, Joan20176345
Victory Quilts 1940's Sampler QuiltsBurns, Eleanor20082918
Vintage Style QuiltsRoberts, F.2004803
Vintage Vibe: Traditional Quilts, Fresh FabricsJohnson, Amber20148045
Visual Coloring: A Foolproof Approach to Color-Rich QuiltsWolfrom, Joen20061931
Visual Guide to Art QuiltingConner, Lindsay201892104
Visual Guide to Working in a Series: Next Steps in Inspired DesignBarton, Elizabeth20132235
Viva Venezia!Porter, Christine20092632
Vivacious Curvy QuiltsHire, Dianne S.20102120
Wabi-Sabi SewingLewis, Karen20186373
Walk 2.0: More Machine Quilting with Your Walking FootGering, Jacquie20203583
Walk 2.0: More Machine Quilting with Your Walking FootGering, Jacquie20203578
Walk, Jog, Run-A Free-Motion Quilting Workout: Muscle-Memory-Building Exercises, Projects & TipsTomasson, Dara20203575
Walk: Master Machine Quilting with Your Walking FootGering, Jacquie20163558
Wall ArtLee, Anne & Rooney E. Ashley20179299
Wanderlust Quilts: 10 Modern Projects Inspired by Classic Art & Architecture PATTERNLeins, Amanda20159147
Warm HeritageFitz Gerald, Pamela200355
Warm Welcome: Cozy Quilts for BabyHickey, Mary2009641
Watercolor Landscape QuiltsGeier, Cathy2006577
We Love Color: 16 Iconic Quilt Designers Create with Kona SolidsWoods, Susan20129178
Wedge Quilt WorkshopCameli, Christina2017605
Weekend Quilter (The)Wilkinson, R. ed.20036356
Weekend Quilting with SulkyDrexler, Joyce20068413
Weekend QuiltsLaquidara, Judy20092646
Weekend Scrap QuiltingHouse of White Birches20044730
Weekend WondersTrish Stuart Designs20117820
Welcome Baby: 9 Adorable Quilt PatternsMartingale & Company2015654
Wheel of Mystery QuiltsMarshall, Helen20062112
When Quilters Gather: 20 Patterns of Piecers at PlayMcDowell B.2686
Where Women CreatePackham, Jo, creator535
Where Women CreateGrossman, Andrea & Greunig, Dee2005537
Whimsical Wool AppliquéSchaefer, Kim20183120
Whizz Bang!Racheldaisy201992119
Wholecloth Linen QuiltsNeedham, Cindy2007282
Wiggle and Waves: Free Form CurvesEckmeier, Karen20182135
Wild Blooms & Colorful CreaturesWilliams, Wendy20133103
Wild DyerBooth, Abigail20192335
Wild FabricationsSAQA201592117
Wild Wool and Colorful Cotton QuiltsKarrow, Erica20193124
Wildflower SamplerMilligan, Lynda & Smith, Nancy2007462
William Morris in Appliqué PATTERNHill, Michele2009348
Winding Way QuiltsMacDonald, N.E.2004218
Winding Ways Quilt (The)Chiaverini, Jennifer200824
Window Gardens in BloomVant Erve, Margaret20052484
Wine Country QuiltsRymer & Rounds20025621
Winsome Baby Art - Art to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy2007629
Winter Wonderland: 12 Cozy Christmas QuiltsFalls, Sherri20151747
Wise Craft QuiltsStocker, Blair20176343
Wonderful Baby Quilts to MakeRichards, Pat2000616
Wonderful One-Patch Quilts: 20 Projects from triangles, Half-Hexagons , Diamonds and moreNephew, Sara & Backer, Marci20176346
Wonderfully Whimsical Quilts PATTERNBurniston, Carol2005627
Wonky One-Block QuiltsCarter, Marlous20112679
Wool Appliqué Calendar Quilts: 12 Months of Fast, Fun & Fusible ProjectsKim Shaeffer20193128
Word Play QuiltsRicucci, Tonya2010874
Workshop with Velda NewmanNewman, Velda20021613
World of QuiltsWilliams, Beth Ann20032211
World of Quilts: 25 Modern Projects - Reinterpreting Quilting Heritage from Around the GlobeEllis, Cassandra20149137
World War II QuiltsReich, Sue20102922
Year-Round Quilting with Patrick Lose: 24+ Projects to Celebrate the SeasonsLose, Patrick20141812
Yoko Saito's Beautiful Bags, Pouches, & QuiltsSaito, Yoko20194928
Yoko Saito's Strolling Along Paths of GreenSaito, Yoko20134929
Yoko Sato's Houses, Houses, HousesSato, Yoko20123025
You Can Quilt It!Poole, Deborah M.20143535
Zen Chic Inspired: A Guide to Modern Quilt DesignHeitland, Brigitte20179160
Zen Quilting WorkbookFerguson, Pat20113533
Zigzag Rope Sewing ProjectsLile, Katherine20228075