
Ralph Jarvis: The Quilted Stash: Stitched in Place (Zoom)

Emmanuel Baptist Church Victoria 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

The Quilted Stash is a creative collaboration of Ralph Jarvis and Corey Follet in Newfoundland. This program promises to be informative and engaging as Ralph shares how The Quilted Stash […]

Rebecca McAlpine: The Fabric of Time

Emmanuel Baptist Church Victoria 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

Our own member Rebecca will lead us through the creativity, cultural significance and artistic foundations of quilting through the ages. Starting in the mid-fourteenth century and traveling rapidly to the […]

Christmas Social

Emmanuel Baptist Church Victoria 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

VQG Members Christmas Social.   More information to come closer to the date