Garage Sale – Rules and Information
This year’s garage sale is on Wednesday, April 17 at 9.30 am. Guild members are permitted to sell; guests who have paid their fee to attend our meeting are permitted to buy merchandise. Please read the information below carefully.
- Items are placed in the sale at your own risk. The committee is not responsible for missing items. We do our best to see that the sale runs smoothly but things do happen.
- All items must be quilt related. No polyester, upholstery fabrics or free items will be accepted. The committee reserves the right to reject any items that are not quilt related, packaged properly, broken or defective.
- Put each item into a re-sealable, see-thru plastic bag. Bundles of magazines may be tied with string.
- Prepare an envelope for each item. Put your name in the upper left corner, print or use an address label. In the centre, write the name of the item, yardage if fabric and the amount you are asking for it. For odd shapes draw a diagram with measurements on the envelope. Please indicate if there are any flaws or holes in the piece you want to sell. Do not seal the envelope.
- If you are asking over $10 add a paper slip into the bag with your name and contact information. Attach securely with a safety pin or tape. This slip will stay in the bag for the buyer.
- Place the envelope into the appropriate bag and seal the bag. Envelopes may be securely taped to books or other large items (i.e. quilting frames) if these are too large to put into a bag. If you need to fold a large envelope make sure all your info (name/price/yardage) is visible through the plastic bag. Please do not use staples to close the bags. We may not display items that are stapled. You may use scotch tape if necessary.
- Bring all items to the Gym entrance before going to the meeting.
- Money will be disbursed after the sale is over, you have collected all your unsold items and the envelopes have been sorted.

- Bring lots of change and small bills as each item must be paid for individually. The committee cannot provide change.
- To purchase an item, put the correct amount of money into the envelope for that item.
- Seal the envelope securely and place into the provided box for volunteers to collect.