
The Art of Quilting!

Victoria Quilters’ Guild members, here on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, vary from traditional hand quilters to fabric artists. Our mandate is to promote and encourage interest in the art of quilting through dissemination of related information; to work together in harmony with mutual respect; and to continue the education of ourselves and the public in the art of quilting.

The Guild also supports a broad range of charitable quilt making, through its Victoria Community Comfort Quilts Society.

You will also see our volunteers at Fibrations in August, the Saanich Fair on Labour Day and the Christmas Sale, first weekend in November.  Our large biennial Show and Sale is held in the Fall.

Monthly meetings include a program presented by world class quilters who show their work in an array of methods: trunk shows, slide shows, interesting props and even singing.

For more information about the Guild or any comments or suggestions, please contact

Guild Activities

Join us for Stitch Days! on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Next Stitch Day is April 10th.    Pam Watt will give a demonstration on making bunting flags to adorn your patio or hang at special occasions.  Free for members. $5 for guests.  Learn more

General Meetings happen every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9:30am to 12 pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Roads.

What’s Happening

 General Meeting 

Next meeting March 19th.  PLEASE NOTE:   This is a ZOOM meeting.   There is no in person meeting this date.


Artists contributing to the banner header: Cathy Miller, Georgia Andrews, Susan Teece, Daphne Greig, Mae Petersen, Laine Canivet, Kelly Levant, Adaline O’Gorman, Kathleen Hildebrand, Mae Petersen, Clint Taylor, Mary Speller, Debbie Swift, Margaret Ruiter, Patricia Harvey-Watson, Clare Tanner, Ranjeet Dhaliwal, Pam Teasdale, Anne Runtz.

Last updated March 24, 2025